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Trump Brags We Broke Roe v Wade as Abortion Damns GOP Election Hopes | Donald Trump

Trump Brags We Broke Roe v Wade as Abortion Damns GOP Election Hopes |  Donald Trump


Facing the press alongside the Speaker of the House, fellow Republican Mike Johnson, Donald Trump boasted: We broke Roe v. Wade.

The former president made a stark admission about his dominant role in attacks on abortion rights at the end of a week in which the Arizona State Supreme Court ruled that a law of 1864 imposing an almost total ban could come back into force.

Abortion rights were stripped away at the federal level in 2022 when a U.S. Supreme Court to which Trump appointed three justices overturned Roe, which had been in office since 1973. Since then, the issue has fueled Democratic victories at the polls . This week's ruling in Arizona sent Republicans scrambling to minimize the damage.

Trump reiterated his assertion that the issue should be a matter for the states and that there is no need to impose a nationwide ban, a demand of America's political right. But he could not resist a boast which his adversaries were sure to seize upon.

We broke Roe v. Wade, Trump said. Nobody thought it was possible. We have given it back to the states and they are working very brilliantly, sometimes conservative, sometimes non-conservative, but they are working. And it works like it's supposed to.

All the real lawyers wanted this to go back to the United States, Trump claimed without providing evidence. Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative. And we got there and now the states are finding their way there.

And you're going to experience a very, very beautiful harmony, to be honest with you. You have, well, you have cases like Arizona going back to 1864 or something like that. And a judge made a decision, but it will be changed by the government. They are going to change that. I don't agree with this.

At the time of Trump's remarks, Vice President Kamala Harris was speaking in Arizona, hammering Democratic attacks on Republican threats to reproductive rights. His key message: Trump is to blame.

And just a few minutes ago, alongside President Johnson, Donald Trump just said that the state-imposed ban package is working, quote, 'working the way it's supposed to,' Harris said. And for all the harm he has already caused, a second Trump term would be even worse.

Trump and Johnson appeared together at a time of grave legal danger for the former president and great political danger for the Speaker of the House, which meant that their message of the supposed need to focus on the duck in the house electoral integrity, seemed to be drowned out.

On Monday in New York, Trump will be tried on 34 of 88 pending criminal charges. The first-ever criminal trial involving a former president will involve the payment of hush money to an adult film star who claimed an affair.

In Washington, Johnson must lead Congress with a razor-thin majority under pressure from an undisciplined Republican caucus dominated by the pro-Trump right. Georgia extremist Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to impeach him.

Opening the news conference at his Mar-a-Lago home, Trump laid out his trademark rhetoric on immigration, which has become increasingly dehumanizing and vicious.

House Speaker Mike Johnson watches as Donald Trump speaks to the press at Mar-a-Lago. Photograph: Wilfredo Lee/AP

Johnson said Republicans would seek to introduce legislation requiring proof of citizenship to vote, saying if hundreds of thousands of migrants voted it could affect the outcome of the election.

In reality, non-citizen voting isn't even an issue.

Some cities allow non-citizens to vote in municipal, not federal, elections. But voting by non-citizens in federal elections is already illegal under a 1996 law. Violators can be fined and jailed for up to a year. Eviction is possible.

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The Bipartisan Policy Center points to research by groups on the right and left that says non-citizen voting is exceptionally rare: Any instances of illegal voting by non-citizens have been investigated by the by the relevant authorities, and there is no evidence that these votes or any other instances of voter fraud were significant enough to impact the outcome of the election.

Nonetheless, Johnson has long shown a willingness to support Trump's claims about the election, regardless of the reality, playing a key role in supporting the former president's attempts to overturn his 2020 loss to Joe Biden.

In a recent memoir, anti-Trump Republican Liz Cheney said Johnson played bait and switch with colleagues to get them to support his legal efforts to have key state results thrown out while running for office. wrong as a constitutional lawyer.

Johnson said Cheney did not present an accurate portrait. His legal work failed, but even after the deadly Jan. 6 attack on Congress by Trump supporters in early 2021, he was among 147 Republicans who voted to object to the results in Pennsylvania and Arizona.

A statement released by the Trump campaign on Friday said Johnson had agreed to hold a series of public committee hearings over the next two months before passing possible legislation to further protect our elections from interference.

Alleged areas of concern included mail-in voting processes and handling of mail-in ballots, maintaining voter rolls, and how states will prevent illegal immigrants and non-citizens from voting in the election presidential election of 2024; and general preparations for Trump's rematch with Biden.

Reporters raised other issues that have roiled Republican politics. Earlier, in Washington, Johnson oversaw passage of a bill to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or Fisa, including a key measure allowing warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens. Trump and his allies opposed the renewal, due to his complaints about investigations into Russian election interference on his behalf in the 2016 race that sent him to the White House.

Asked about the House bill, Trump said he still didn't like Fisa and reiterated his complaints about 2016. Johnson nodded behind him.

Trump also opposes new aid to Ukraine, passed by the Senate but held up in the House. Johnson has said he wants to give aid to Ukraine, but doing so could lead to its downfall.

At Mar-a-Lago, Trump kept the subject at arm's length, verbally insulting Biden and asserting that conflicts around the world would not have occurred under his leadership.

He also castigated those who are pursuing him criminally, including in the secret trial which is due to open Monday in New York, about which he also complained to the judge. He was, he said, absolutely willing to testify in his own defense.




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