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How Trump used New York courtrooms to campaign ahead of a secret trialExBulletin

How Trump used New York courtrooms to campaign ahead of a secret trialExBulletin


Former President Donald Trump appears in a New York court on October 2, 2023 to face civil fraud charges, denouncing the case as a “sham” intended to torpedo his campaign to retake the White House. Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images .

switch captionEd Jones/AFP via Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump appears in a New York court on October 2, 2023 to face civil fraud charges, denouncing the case as a “sham” intended to torpedo his campaign to retake the White House.

Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images

NEW YORK Former President Donald Trump will have a new rallying arena on Monday: the halls of Manhattan Criminal Court.

Next week will mark the start of the first criminal trial involving a former president of the United States. As he competes to attract voters across the country as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump will have to be in New York every day of the trial, which is expected to take place four days a week for at least six weeks .

At this point, Trump is accustomed to the halls of Manhattan courthouses as an extension of his campaign trail to protest the charges and motivate his base.

“This is the greatest witch hunt of all time,” Trump said in October outside the courthouse where he was on trial for business fraud. “They are trying to harm me so that I don’t do as well as I did in the elections.”

His claims have resonated across the country as he falsely issues separate state and federal indictments as part of a partisan conspiracy against him.

“Their plan is to go after Trump in every way possible, including criminally and legally,” Trump said in Rome, Georgia, last month. “I return to our wonderful first lady who had never heard the word impeachment. Neither had I until I was indicted so many times over the last few months.”

To cheers from crowds and cameras trained in both locations, Trump lobbed personal insults at judges and prosecutors across all 88 charges, leading in some cases to orders of silence.

The charges in Monday's trial, brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, allege that Trump falsified business records in New York to conceal damaging information before the 2016 presidential election. payments described as “hush money” to adult film actor Stormy Daniels, who threatened to go public with accusations that she had an affair with Trump shortly after his marriage to Melania Trump. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Trump speaks during a news conference at 40 Wall Street after a pretrial hearing March 25 in New York. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images .

switch captionMichael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Trump speaks during a news conference at 40 Wall Street after a pretrial hearing March 25 in New York.

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images Trump must be there this time

Trump has come to New York several times to listen to jury selection and testimony in his most recent cases.

They are civil suits, one accusing him and his flagship organization of committing fraud and another for defaming columnist E. Jean Carroll when he denied her allegations of sexual assault. Trump was not required to appear at these events, but he chose to exercise his right to be present.

Unlike his previous civil trials in the Big Apple, for this criminal trial, Trump is required to be present each day in person, although the judge can grant permission for special absences. The former president has pledged to appear in court during the day and attend campaign events at night, a schedule he also kept during the defamation trial ahead of the New Hampshire primary, although his schedule current campaign is about one or two events per week.

During these previous trials, Trump was also competing with other Republicans for the party's nomination. Today, he is in full general election mode against President Biden.

Merchandise is seen for sale at a November 2023 Trump campaign rally in Houston. Brandon Bell/Getty Images .

switch captionBrandon Bell/Getty Images

Merchandise is seen for sale at a November 2023 Trump campaign rally in Houston.

Brandon Bell/Getty Images The Trump courthouse scene

Although Trump protests that the lawsuits prevent him from campaigning, he uses them as opportunities to raise money and bolster his arguments at the rallies he holds.

During the majority of his visits to New York courtrooms, Trump made sure to address the press gathered outside the courtroom.

He used his time in front of the cameras to express his opinions about the judge, the court staff, the officials filing charges against him and the cases.

He also takes advantage of these appearances to talk about the issues he is running on, such as strengthening the southern border, foreign policy and debates in Congress.

While in town, he also held larger press conferences at places like 40 Wall Street, one of his buildings in New York. He brings American flags and cheering fans.

Initial wave of GOP support weakens

At first, the benefits were immediate. There have been significant increases in donations around current events related to cases in which he has been involved. And his campaign was quick to manufacture and sell merchandise with a fake photo of Trump from Fulton County, Georgia.

His campaign sends emails to supporters following court appearances or rulings, which contributes to these spikes. Lawsuits are often the focus of his posts on his social media site Truth Social.

But filings by the Federal Election Committee show that it is no longer raising as much money as before on these legal events.

It went from about $4 million after pleading not guilty to the alleged secret payments in New York a year ago and again after pleading not guilty to election interference charges in Georgia in August, to just $200 to $400,000 in November and December. following significant court appearances, including after his first testimony on the witness stand.

In this close presidential election, any change in voter attitudes in swing states could determine control of the White House. And while polls give Trump a slight lead in key places, an NPR/PBS/Marist poll shows that if Trump is convicted of a crime, Biden opens up a 6-point lead, in part because a gap would reduce among independent voters.




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