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Job search: The rise of fintech will increase the demand for leaders who can manage regulatory and business requirements.

Job search: The rise of fintech will increase the demand for leaders who can manage regulatory and business requirements.


Increasing regulatory requirements and standards in the fintech industry are increasing the need for senior professionals who can guide companies to growth while adhering to the rules.

Rajiv Krishnan, CEO and MD of Ma Foi Strategic Consultants, says the industry is seeing increased regulations and compliance standards, as well as increased regulatory oversight. As some companies get closer to going public, they are under increased scrutiny. As markets and technology continue to change rapidly, boards are looking for members to join and understand this ecosystem.

Early-stage startups are also strengthening their regulatory and legal teams and following the letter of the law, said Pranshu Upadhyay, regional director, Head of India Technology Practice at Michael Page.

Skills neededKrishnan explains that the convergence of financial services and technology presents unique challenges. Leaders in this industry need to be at the top of their technology game, whether it's cybersecurity, blockchain, or artificial intelligence (AI). Additionally, they must innovate, rapidly scale up, and build partnerships to focus on sustainable, profitable growth. The new frontier is only vaguely defined, adding to the complexity, he says.

Shantanu Rooj, Founder and CEO of TeamLease Edtech, said: “With the fintech space at the forefront of technological innovation, we are looking for senior leaders and board members who are not only tech-savvy but also able to navigate complex regulatory environments. Demand is increasing.” This need places FinTech in the unique position that understanding both cutting-edge technology and complex compliance standards is critical to guiding companies to sustainable growth amid rapid market evolution. Promoted by ” Ruge agrees that professionals with expertise in blockchain, AI, and cybersecurity are in high demand. . This environment also requires strong interpersonal skills, including adaptability, strategic thinking, and the ability to foster a culture of innovation and teamwork, he says. This convergence ensures that fintech companies not only lead in technology, but also excel in customer engagement and regulatory compliance. Upadhyay says there is a renewed focus from founders and in this environment he sees increased opportunities for mid-level hires with six to seven years of experience.

Changing the boardroom Krishnan says that while diverse backgrounds are beneficial, board candidates should ideally tick at least one of the following boxes: Successful in a global role. , rapidly scaling in a sunrise space, and innovating with customer-centric products or solutions. Respect for paced growth driven by integrity, deep understanding of the technology/consumer interface, high governance, cybersecurity and regulatory standards is the need of the hour.

Somdatta Singh, founder and CEO of Assiduus Global Inc., said fintech boards are undergoing a significant transformation, combining traditional financial expertise with cutting-edge technology know-how. He said that demand for directors who combine these two is rapidly increasing. Investment in fintech hit a record high in 2023, with venture capital pouring in nearly $2 billion, a drop from the previous year but still a significant amount. Boards need strong leadership to navigate this rapid growth. From AI-powered asset management to blockchain-based payments, technology is the driving force behind fintech. Boards need directors who understand these innovations and their potential impact, he says.

Learning and Skills Rooj emphasizes the importance of upskilling and reskilling in this area. He says the rapid advancements in the fintech space emphasize the importance of continuous learning. Many employers say they have difficulty finding people with the right mix of technical and soft skills, making a focus on upskilling and reskilling paramount. Because fintech companies embody a startup culture, professionals must also demonstrate passion for the sector and understanding of its impact, encouraging individuals to continually adapt and align their skills with evolving industry demands. It's important to go.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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