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Europe's new $9.4 billion mega-airport, bigger than Heathrow | World | News

Europe's new $9.4 billion mega-airport, bigger than Heathrow |  World |  News


Turkey marked a milestone in aviation history with the official opening of Istanbul Airport, which will become the largest airport in the world when completed.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inaugurated the vast complex on Monday April 8, coinciding with Turkey's Republic Day celebrations.

The grandeur of Istanbul Airport is matched only by its ambitious scale. Considered a global transit hub connecting continents, the airport has a staggering capacity that surpasses even the world's busiest airline hubs.

By 2021, it is expected to serve up to 90 million passengers per year, with plans to expand to serve a staggering 200 million travelers in the future.

To put that into perspective, this capacity almost doubles that of Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia, USA – the busiest airport in the world last year.

However, the journey to this aviation marvel was marred by controversy.

The construction of the airport, led by Erdogan's government, has been the subject of scrutiny and tragedy. Reports indicate that at least 30 workers lost their lives during the construction phase, highlighting the human cost behind the project's ambition.

Despite these challenges, Istanbul Airport represents Turkey's bold vision for its future as a global aviation power. With its strategic location straddling Europe, Asia and Africa, the airport aims to redefine air travel by facilitating seamless connectivity between continents.

One of the most striking features of Istanbul Airport is its size and infrastructure. With six runways, four more than London's Heathrow Airport, it is designed to handle the colossal volume of air traffic expected in the years to come.

The airport's phased construction includes multiple terminals, boarding bridges, ample parking lots and ancillary infrastructure to support its mammoth operations.

The transition to Istanbul Airport will be a pivotal moment for the Turkish aviation landscape. Plans are underway to transfer all operations from Atatürk Airport to Istanbul Airport by the end of the year, marking the end of an era for the iconic airport that served as gateway to Istanbul for decades.

As Istanbul Airport takes flight, it not only signifies a remarkable feat of engineering and ambition, but also heralds a new chapter in Turkish aviation history.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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