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Police and security prepare for long trial – NBC New York

Police and security prepare for long trial – NBC New York


Jury selection begins Monday in Manhattan for the first-ever criminal trial against a former president of the United States.

Donald Trump has been indicted on 34 low-level counts of falsifying business records related to secret payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. He faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

As during his previous trials in New York, security should be reinforced.

The former president is expected to be in the courtroom at Manhattan's criminal courthouse at 100 Center Street for six to eight weeks. Court officers say they are redeployed by the dozens from every other courthouse in the city.

If the scene at Trump's impeachment last year is anything to go by, the trial could be a spectacle for weeks, if not months.

There is no specific list of potential street closures, but the public can expect to see widespread impacts around the courthouse and potentially near Trump Tower along Fifth Avenue.

“While operational security prevents us from going into detail, the United States Secret Service will not seek any special accommodations beyond what would be necessary to ensure the continued security of the former President,” the special agent said in charge Patrick J. Freaney, of the American secret services. New York Field Office, said in a statement.

The area around the pitch should be heavily restricted.

The New York Police Chief also did not go into detail, but emphasized that long-standing partnerships with other local and federal agencies “will help secure the courthouse and everyone inside.” “interior, to facilitate peaceful assemblies outside the building and to maintain the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians”. in the surrounding area throughout the procedure.

Public fervor has certainly diminished considerably since Trump's legal troubles began, making it a little harder to predict what kind of attention Manhattan might receive on Monday or in the weeks that follow.

Trump on Saturday highlighted New York prosecutors and the hush money criminal case they brought against him at his final rally before Monday's start of what he called a communist show trial.

“I will be forced to remain completely gagged. I have no right to speak. They want to take away my constitutional right to speak,” said Trump, who is barred from publicly discussing witnesses and jurors potential, but not from the judge or prosecutors.

Trump faces four separate criminal charges while running to avenge his loss to President Joe Biden, creating a whirlwind of unprecedented legal and political chaos.




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