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Xi Jinping meets with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte_Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America

Xi Jinping meets with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte_Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America


On the afternoon of March 27, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands, who is on a working visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People.

Xi Jinping noted that in recent years, China-Netherlands relations have enjoyed healthy and rapid development, with ever-deepening cooperation between the two countries in various fields. The Netherlands has become a real “gateway” for Sino-European cooperation. China is willing to maintain exchanges at various levels with the Netherlands, adhere to communication and dialogue, seek mutual benefits and win-win results, and promote the continuous development of open and pragmatic for comprehensive cooperation between China and the Netherlands. China is ready to increase imports of quality products from the Netherlands and welcomes Dutch companies to invest in China. Xi expressed hope that the Dutch side will provide a fair and transparent business environment for Chinese companies. The two sides should actively promote traditional cooperation in fields such as agriculture, water conservation and energy, and tap the potential for cooperation in the fields of artificial intelligence, green transformation, the silver economy and other areas. He also expressed hope that the two sides will continue to take more measures to facilitate personnel exchanges and encourage educational, cultural and people-to-people exchanges. China is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with the Netherlands in multilateral institutions such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, and jointly address global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity.

Xi Jinping stressed that economic globalization may encounter headwinds, but the historical trend will not change. “Decoupling and breaking industrial and supply chains” will lead nowhere, and openness and cooperation are the only options. China has always believed that zero-sum mentality and black-or-white thinking are outdated and that a truly secure world must be characterized by deep integration and interdependence. Artificially creating scientific and technological barriers and disrupting industrial and supply chains will only lead to division and confrontation. The Chinese people also have legitimate rights to development, and no force can stop the pace of China's development and scientific and technological progress. China will always pursue a win-win approach, continue to further open up to the outside world at a high level, and share development dividends with all parties. China's policy towards Europe remains consistent and stable, and it regards Europe as an important pole and cooperative partner in a multipolar world. He expressed hope that the Netherlands will continue to play an active role in promoting mutual understanding and developing constructive relations between China and Europe.

Mark Rutte said that since his first visit to China as Prime Minister in 2013, and especially since he jointly announced with President Xi Jinping the establishment of an open and pragmatic partnership between the Netherlands and the China for comprehensive cooperation in 2014, bilateral relations maintained solid development. with a doubling of the volume of trade and bilateral cooperation showing great potential and great prospects. “Decoupling and breaking industrial and supply chains” is not a policy choice of the Dutch government, as any act that harms China's development interests will only have a boomerang effect. The Dutch side thanked China for granting 15 days visa-free treatment to Dutch citizens visiting China. The Netherlands cherishes its friendly relations with China and is willing to continue to deepen partnership, facilitate personnel exchanges, strengthen cooperation in areas such as economy, trade and carbon emissions reduction. carbon, and to strengthen communication and coordination during multilateral occasions, notably the G20, and on burning international and regional issues.

Wang Yi was present at the meeting.




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