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Donald Trump calls hush money case a 'scam' as first day of historic trial ends | US News

Donald Trump calls hush money case a 'scam' as first day of historic trial ends |  US News


Donald Trump has called the hush money case against him a “scam” as the first day of the historic trial draws to a close in New York.

He is accused of criminally altering business records to conceal a $130,000 (£104,200) payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, during her 2016 election campaign.

Ms Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who received $150,000 (£120,000), both claim to have had affairs with Trump.

His lawyers say the payment was to save him and his family embarrassment, not to help him win the election.

The day focused on handling defense and prosecution arguments and jury selection, but ended without any jury members seated after being subjected to a 42-hour investigation. questions that asked them about their news habits, hobbies and ability to travel.

Image: Donald Trump sits in Manhattan Criminal Court in New York. Photo: Reuters

A total of 200 jurors are available for possible selection, and today more than half of the first group was excused after telling the judge they could not be fair and impartial.

NBC, Sky News' US partner network, said selecting the 12 jurors and six alternates could take up to two weeks due to the large number of potential jurors.

Speaking outside court, after becoming the first former US president to face a criminal trial, Trump said: “This is a scam. It's a political witch hunt. It goes on, and it goes on forever.

“We will not have a fair trial and that is a very sad thing.”

Meanwhile, in the Manhattan courtroom, Trump stood and turned when introduced as the defendant, giving prospective jurors a smirk.

Image: Photo: AP

Read more: All the terms you might hear in Trump's court cases The key figures in the monetary hush case

Before the proceedings began, Judge Juan M. Merchan denied the defense's request to recuse himself from the case after defense attorneys said an earlier interview he gave and the work of his daughter in a political consulting firm created a conflict of interest.

But Mr Merchan said Trump had “failed to provide” evidence of a conflict, relying instead on a “series of inferences”. [and] insinuating”.

Image: Stormy Daniels, claims to have had an affair with Trump. Photo: AP/DeeCee Carter/MediaPunch/IPX

He also refused Trump's request to skip the April 25 trial to allow him to attend arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court on his request for presidential immunity in another of his four criminal cases.

The judge said he also would not rule on a separate request that the former president take May 17 off to attend his son's high school graduation.

Gag order violations

Later in the hearing, prosecutors asked Mr Merchan to fine Trump $3,000 (£2,500) for three separate social media posts, which they said violated an order of silence of April 1 which stipulated that the former president could not threaten or speak about the trial in public.

Image: Photo: Reuters

One of Trump's lawyers, Todd Blanche, defended his actions, saying the posts on Truth Social did not violate the silence order because Trump was responding to public statements from witnesses.

Mr. Merchan said he would hold a hearing on April 24 on the request.

Image: People hold signs against Trump. Photo: Reuters

The judge also denied the prosecution's release of Trump's Access Hollywood tape — where the former president was heard speaking disparagingly about women before making a brief appearance on a TV show in 2005.

“I remain convinced at this time … that the recording should not be released,” the judge said of the recording, adding that prosecutors could present the exact words Trump said as well as an e- email related to the recording, provided that the jurors do so. not hear the recording itself.

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'No one is above the law'

About 200 Trump supporters gathered outside the court, along with about 40 others protesting the former president.

A group of protesters held up a banner that read: “No one is above the law.”

Monday's proceedings mark the first of four indictments against the former president that will go to trial, and it is the first to take place before this year's presidential election.

Image: Trump with his legal team before jury selection begins. Photo: Reuters

Trump faces two more criminal trials accusing him of trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat to Mr Biden, and another that accuses him of mishandling classified information after leaving the White House in 2021 .

He has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him. No other former U.S. president has ever faced criminal charges.

Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer, said he coordinated with Trump on the payments to Ms. Daniels and Ms. McDougal.

Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations in 2018 in connection with the payments and was sentenced to three years in prison. He was placed under house arrest after a year.




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