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Sunak faces revolt as MPs prepare to debate smoke-free generation plans

Sunak faces revolt as MPs prepare to debate smoke-free generation plans


Rishi Sunak faces the prospect of another backbench rebellion on Tuesday as his plans to stop young people smoking are presented to the Commons for the first time.

The plan, which would make it illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone born after January 1, 2009, was one of three key policies announced by the Prime Minister in his speech to the Conservative Party conference last year.

But the more libertarian members of his party have criticized the ban, raising the possibility that Mr Sunak will have to rely on Labor votes to ensure one of his flagship policies is passed.

Opponents of the ban include Mr Sunak's immediate predecessor Liz Truss, who has previously described the plans as deeply anti-Tory.

Decisive action is needed to end this ongoing public health tragedy

Charmaine Griffiths, British Heart Foundation

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson also called the plans last week crazy.

Conservative MPs were given a free vote on the bill, and several are expected to oppose the tobacco and vaping bill during its first full debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday.

But Labor has thrown its support behind the proposals, making it likely the legislation will clear that first hurdle, regardless of Tory opposition.

Ahead of the debate, doctors and health charities urged MPs to vote in favor of the proposals, which would ensure no one aged 15 or under can ever legally buy tobacco products.

Professor Steve Turner, president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said the bill would undoubtedly save lives.

He said: By preventing children and young people from becoming addicted to nicotine and tobacco, we will reduce their risks of developing preventable diseases later in life and protect children from the harm of nicotine addiction.

As pediatricians, we strongly urge Members of Parliament to use their important responsibility and support this bill to protect the current and future health of children and our nation.

Charmaine Griffiths, chief executive of the British Heart Foundation, said: Decisive action is needed to end this ongoing public health tragedy. We urge every MP to vote for this historic legislation at the second reading of the bill.

In addition to raising the smoking age each year, the legislation includes provisions that will regulate the display, content, flavors and packaging of vapes and nicotine products.

Smoking kills around 80,000 people a year and costs the NHS and economy around $17 billion a year.

Creating a smoke-free generation could prevent more than 470,000 cases of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and other illnesses by the end of the century, according to the government.

Victoria Atkins, Health Secretary, said: “Too many people know someone whose life has been tragically cut short or irreversibly changed by smoking which, despite significant progress, remains the largest preventable death in the UK .

The idea is that there is no safe level of tobacco consumption. This is particularly harmful and that is why we are taking this important step today to protect the next generation.

This bill will save thousands of lives, ease pressure on our NHS and improve the UK's productivity.

Backing the bill, Labor shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said: Rishi Sunak is too weak to stand up to the Liz Truss wing of his party, so he gave his MPs a free vote .

Although Conservative MPs may oppose the measure, Labor will not play politics with public health. Labor will vote for this bill, so today's young people will be even less likely to smoke than to vote Tory.




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