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War in Ukraine undermines entire international order, Scholz tells Xi Jinping

War in Ukraine undermines entire international order, Scholz tells Xi Jinping


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz discussed the war between Ukraine and Russia with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting in Beijing on April 16. Before the meeting, Olaf Scholz announced in X that he would discuss with Xi Jinping how they could contribute to a just peace in Ukraine.

Scholz's trip to China took place amid growing tensions between China and Western countries. Some Chinese companies were found provide military support to Russia for its war efforts and help Russia circumvent some of the economic sanctions imposed by Western nations.

Scholz on the war in Ukraine

During the meeting, Scholz warned that the ongoing war in Ukraine risks harming “the entire international order,” according to German wave. The German Chancellor stressed that Russia's war violated the principle of the inviolability of national borders enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

Additionally, Scholz spoke of the danger of nuclear escalation, stating that both leaders had already made it clear that the use of nuclear weapons should not even be threatened.

According to Correspondent DW Michaela Kuefner, who is accompanying Chancellor Scholz's team to China, described the negotiations with the German delegation as “good” but provided few details.

Xi on the war in Ukraine

During a meeting, President Xi Jinping stressed that China was not involved in Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine. According to a statement released following the conversation, China has consistently “favored peace talks in its own way” rather than being a party or participant in the conflict, as the newspaper reported. ZDF today.

The statement also said Beijing would support an international peace conference “in due course,” provided Russia and Ukraine agree to it.

Despite the close alliance between China and Russia, Xi called for more efforts to defuse the situation “instead of pouring fuel on the fire”, estimates ZDF Heute. reports. He also stressed the need to create conditions conducive to the restoration of peace. The Chinese leader called for more efforts to minimize the negative impact on the global economy, particularly on global industrial and supply chains.

Previous reports indicated that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's three-day visit to China focused on strengthening economic ties between Germany and China and engaging in geopolitical dialogues, particularly on the Russo-Ukrainian war.

Earlier this month, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen issued a severe warning to China on the repercussions of Chinese companies' support for Russia's war efforts in Ukraine.


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