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Xi Jinping presents China as a peacemaker in Ukraine, while helping Russia

Xi Jinping presents China as a peacemaker in Ukraine, while helping Russia


  • China's Xi Jinping met Germany's Olaf Scholz on Tuesday.
  • Xi said he wanted to try to bring peace to Ukraine.
  • But analysts say China is secretly stepping up its support for Russia.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping played the role of peacemaker in Ukraine during his talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday.

At the meeting in Beijing, Xi presented his German counterpart with four principles for peace in Ukraine, according to Chinese state media.

Nations should focus on “maintaining peace and stability and refraining from seeking selfish gains,” Xi said, as well as “calming the situation and not adding fuel to the fire.”

He added that they must create the conditions necessary to restore peace while reducing the impact of war on the global economy.

The principles are vague and similar to a peace plan for Ukraine proposed by China last year. At the time, the United States said the plan worked primarily in Russia's favor.

But despite these public statements, analysts say Xi's claims to be a peacemaker are a charade and that in reality China is increasing its support for the Russian military.

Last month, the London-based Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) warned that Russia was increasing its cooperation with China in the field of 5G and satellite technology.

And in recent weeks, US intelligence claimed that China increases its equipment sales to Russia and supplies important technologies such as microelectronics, optics, machine tools and missile boosters.

This is in addition to the diplomatic and economic support that China has already provided to the Kremlin.

The Institute for the Study of War, an American think tank, Tuesday, said Xi was seeking to gain the goodwill of Germany, a key trading partner of China but an ally of Ukraine.

“Xi's generally vague signal to Scholz regarding Ukraine, against the backdrop of intensifying Chinese support for Russia, is therefore more likely an attempt to maintain China's access to European markets by winning the goodwill of the “Germany than showing a real interest in facilitating the end of the agreement by Russia”, estimate its analysts.

Scholz is just the latest Western leader to try to persuade Xi to use his influence with Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop the invasion of Ukraine.

But China has shown no signs of changing its position, repeating its claims that the West was responsible for the war by arming Ukraine. The Associated Press reported.

China has been balancing conflicting priorities in Ukraine, experts told Business Insider. While Xi views a Russian victory in the war as a way to undermine the global power of Ukraine's main backers, he also believes keen to maintain access to Western markets and American investments.

In recent years, China's economy has suffered a severe slowdown caused by a housing bubble, and Xi abruptly changed his tone with many Western leaders, offering a series of concessions to U.S. President Joe Biden during a meeting last year. last in San Francisco.

So far, this shift in tone has not led to a substantial change in his position on Putin's war in Ukraine, despite Western leaders' best efforts to bring him in.




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