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Country code will change from GBR to BMU

Country code will change from GBR to BMU


The Ministry of Economy and Labor announced “the reinstatement of the country authority code in Bermuda passports,” stating that “effective April 30, 2024, the country code will change from GBR to BMU.”

At a special handover ceremony in Montreal, Canada, hosted by the International Civil Aviation Organization [ICAO], the return of the BMU code has become official. “The Montreal event brought together Governor Rena Lalgie and Prime Minister David Burt.

BMU Bermuda Passport Code April 2024

Following the handover ceremony, Prime Minister Burt – who signed the official documents on behalf of the Government and people of Bermuda – said: As I have previously shared, I know this occasion will bring great relief to many Bermudians, and I am proud that we delivered. this for them so they can start traveling again without additional obstacles that are not their fault.

It was a pleasure to see this come to fruition after years of hard work. And we are grateful for the hard work of Minister Hayward and his team, including the head of immigration and so many other dedicated people, both inside and outside government.

And following the ICAO ceremony, Governor Lalgie said: “I was delighted to participate in today’s ceremony. This has been possible thanks to the positive and collaborative work undertaken by colleagues across the Department of Immigration, UK Government departments and staff at Government House. Although it took longer than we had hoped, it was an undeniably positive day for traveling Bermudians and one that shows what we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal.

Minister for Economy and Labor Jason Hayward said: “This change is an important element as it determines the citizenship of the passport holder.

“Country Authority Code GBR has caused difficulties for BOTC [Bermuda] passport holders when traveling to the United States from a country other than Bermuda. This is because some airlines incorrectly interpret the GBR code to mean that the holder is a citizen of the United Kingdom, which would require an ESTA or visa to travel to the United States.

To resolve this issue, the BMU code will be printed on all Bermuda passport variants from April 30, 2024. All passports printed before this date will have the GBR code applied. The Bermuda Government will ensure that appropriate notices are sent through the International Civil Aviation Organization. [ICAO] system, to ensure that immigration authorities and carriers around the world are aware of the changes.

It is important to note that Bermudians who apply directly to the HM Passport Office will continue to receive a standard British passport and the code applied will be GBR. Only those who qualify for a BOTC [Bermuda] The passport must apply to the Department of Immigration to receive the BMU code.

This change is an important step forward in ensuring that Bermudians can travel abroad easily and without unnecessary restrictions.

The government spokesperson said: “The public should note that a 'Frequently Asked Questions' factsheet providing information on the reinstatement of the BMU code will be shared on the Immigration webpage and will be distributed to key stakeholders in the coming days.

“And as noted, appropriate notices are issued through the ICAO system so that immigration authorities and carriers around the world are aware of the changes. For more information regarding the changes, the public should contact the Department of Immigration at 246-8093.

You can consult the BMU's frequently asked questions here [PDF].

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