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Olaf Scholz expresses clear demands to Xi Jinping during his trip to China

Olaf Scholz expresses clear demands to Xi Jinping during his trip to China


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Olaf Scholz and Xi Jinping in China.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) met Chinese head of state Xi Jinping. Xinhua/Imago

Chancellor Olaf Scholz is currently on a three-day trip to China. He has now met Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Dortmund's Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of cooperation between the two states during a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). Despite existing differences of opinion between countries, the land can benefit from more stability and security, as Xi reportedly said according to the official translation. What did the two heads of state talk about in detail?

Olaf Scholz expresses clear demands to Xi Jinping during his trip to China

If Xi remains rather general, Scholz addresses the information from German Press Agency (dpa) directly the conflict in Ukraine. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and Russian rearmament have significant negative effects on European security, Scholz told the Chinese president, considered a close ally of Vladimir Putin.

According to Scholz, the direct consequences of the war not only affected European interests, but also undermined the world order by violating the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter (more Politics-News at RUHR24).

The Chancellor called on China and other states close to Russia to participate in the peace conference scheduled for June 15 in Switzerland. Additionally, Scholz has the dpa According to him, he once again argued that nuclear weapons should not even be threatened.

Chinese President Xi responds to Scholz: We are engaged in peace talks

Xi Jinping said loudly dpa responded that China was not playing an active role in the conflict in Ukraine. The Chinese president explained that they are not a warring party and are not involved in the Ukrainian crisis. Xi stressed that China would be engaged in peace talks.

Xi Jinping stressed that a new era of turbulence and upheaval has begun, in which risks for all humanity are increasing. It would be essential for cooperation to take over between the great powers. The cooperation between China and Germany will have a great influence not only on the entire Eurasian continent, but also on the entire world.

Scholz visits China: Chancellor commits to climate protection

Scholz also used the meeting to address topics such as climate protection and trade. He highlighted the responsibility of both countries in protecting global resources and advocated for a rules-based trading system promoted by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Chancellor recently appeared open to Chinese cars in Germany.

In other conversations, Scholz emphasized the dangers of a war of conquest, particularly regarding Taiwan. The Chancellor stressed the need for countries not to fear their neighbors. It can be noisy dpa be understood as an indirect warning to China, which is making claims on Taiwan.

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Chancellor Scholz on a trip to China: here are the reasons

Olaf Scholz's visit to Xi Jinping is over dpa-The information is part of Germany's overall strategy towards China, which aims to reduce economic dependence on China and to better prepare for possible geopolitical changes.

Scholz, who will be accompanied by top leaders and ministers, is also scheduled to meet Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday (April 16). Several agreements would be concluded dpa must be signed. The three-day visit to China constitutes Chancellor Olaf Scholz's longest cross-country trip so far during his term in office.

dpa/edited by Magnus Hoppe.




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