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Xi Jinping's heavy reproaches to Joo Loureno – Angola24Horas

Xi Jinping's heavy reproaches to Joo Loureno – Angola24Horas


For years, this space has constantly warned João Loureno against the risks of truculent diplomacy in approaching the sensitive Chinese issue. And the warnings were always based on the cruelty of the facts.

China was our main external problem. As a result, in terms of public finances, this has also become a major internal problem. Without abdicating his duty to defend the sovereignty of the country, João Loureno therefore had the obligation to control his speech each time he raised the Chinese question in the public square.

At his peril, the president decided to completely ignore the criticism. Instead, he has chosen to align himself with a certain madman who persists in trying to convince him that in the end, Angola can simply choose to act like a deadbeat. In what they say and write publicly, the president's influencers do not, however, give him the slightest line on the economic, social, political and reputational consequences for Angola if he decides on such a radical choice.

They simply tell you that, faced with possible Chinese inflexibility, not paying the debt is an option to consider. An improvised proverb would say, by analogy, that there are crazy people for all tastes. If doubts persisted, Valor Econmico's cover story for this edition raises the bar for the complexity of the Chinese theme to a previously unexplored level. Chinese diplomatic sources assure that, behind the smiles and handshakes in front of the cameras, João Loureno experienced one of the thousand forms of Chinese torture.

During a meeting outside the official agenda, within the Chinese Communist Party, the Angolan president heard heavy reprimands from Xi Jinping that left him feeling uncomfortable. And, incredible as it may seem, as sources attest, Xi Jinping's nerves were not limited to João Loureno's criticism of China's alleged opportunism in using oil as debt collateral. The leader of the Asian giant told João Loureno face to face that he did not like the way he had mistreated the late president José Eduardo dos Santos.

He told him that the way he was leading the so-called fight against corruption was wrong, unfairly dragging the reputation of Chinese companies and investors through the mud.

Unsurprisingly, Xi Jinping also wanted to remind João Loureno that the alliance he is seeking with the United States is not at all favorable to Chinese interests, even less to those of the old Russian ally. And he even made a point of giving an example of how the Biden administration made Volodymyr Zelensky a cornered puppet.

Xi Jinping thus clarified that the thesis of Chinese economic pragmatism in relations with its partners is “relative”, as the Angolan president himself would probably say. Affections, friendships, loyalties, history, all of these can compete with money even in interstate relations. As a historian, João Loureno did not have to learn this from “Chinese revenge”. I always knew it.

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