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Warning from Narendra Modi to Rahul Gandhi: “Jaise Amethi se bhagna pada…” | Latest news India

Warning from Narendra Modi to Rahul Gandhi: “Jaise Amethi se bhagna pada…” |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday predicted that Congress stalwart Rahul Gandhi will be ousted from his Wayanad parliamentary constituency and the party will have to find another safe seat for him.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the public meeting ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, at Wardha on Friday.  (ANI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the public meeting ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, at Wardha on Friday. (ANI)

Launching a scathing attack on Rahul Gandhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at a rally in Maharashtra's Nanded, claimed that the former was chased out of Amethi by BJP leader Smriti Irani.

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Congress Prince, they too see problems in Wayanad… Just like they had to flee Amethi, they will also flee Wayanad for you… (The Congress prince is facing danger in Wayanad. As if he was made to escape from Amethi, believe me, he will have to leave Wayanad too),” PM Modi said.

“Kerala's CM Pinarayi Vijayan lashed out at the Congress leader in language that even I don't use for them. I am sure the Congress will look for another safe seat for its Shahjada once voting in Wayanad is over,” PM Modi added.

Prime Minister Modi claimed that in the first phase of the Lok Sabha elections, the people of the country voted en bloc for the BJP-led NDA.

He said the INDIA bloc partners were fighting to get 25 per cent of the Lok Sabha seats. “If this is the current situation, what will they do after the elections?” he added.

To all the workers and leaders of other parties, even if you feel that you are going to lose the elections and why should you work hard, I mean work hard for democracy. 'Aaj nahin toh kal, kal nahin toh parso, parso nahin toh nurso, arey kabhi to mauka aega (if not today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, one day, maybe you will have a chance)he added.

Also read: Prime Minister Narendra Modi accuses 'two princes' Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi of attacking our faith

The Congress has not announced its candidates for Amethi and Rae Bareli.

Rahul Gandhi lost the family stronghold Amethi to Smriti Irani in 2019. Earlier this year, his mother Sonia Gandhi vacated the Rae Bareli seat and moved to the Rajya Sabha.

“For the first time, the family will not vote for a Congress candidate in the constituency where they live as there is no party candidate there,” PM Modi added.

Earlier today, Rahul Gandhi claimed that Prime Minister Modi was running what he called the school of corruption.

“Narendra Modi runs a school of corruption in the country. Under the topic 'Entire Science of Corruption', he himself teaches each chapter in detail, including 'Donation Business',” he posted on the social platform

For example, how are donations collected by conducting raids? how are contracts distributed after receipt of donations? How does the washing machine that eliminates corrupt people work? How does the “bail and jail” game play out by making agencies debt collectors? Gandhi added.

With contributions from PTI, ANI




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