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Donald Trump cancels North Carolina rally due to bad weather

Donald Trump cancels North Carolina rally due to bad weather


Donald Trump had to cancel his first planned rally since his criminal trial began due to a storm Saturday night in North Carolina, a further complication that highlights the difficulty the former president faces in juggling his legal problems and his revenge against President Joe. Biden.

Former President Donald Trump attends jury selection at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York (Jeenah Moon/Pool Photo via AP, File)(AP)

Trump visited the rally site near the Wilmington airport less than an hour before he took the stage and apologized to the several thousand supporters who had gathered throughout the aftermath. noon under an initially sunny sky, then darkened by storm clouds.

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Speaking from his private plane, Trump cited lightning and the impending storm to explain why he would not land. He is committed to rescheduling a bigger and better event at the same location as quickly as possible.

The planned rally in critical battleground North Carolina was expected to cap a week in which Trump spent four days in a Manhattan courtroom, silent during jury selection, while Biden was able to hold several campaign events in Pennsylvania, another key state for the November elections.

Trump's legal woes slow down campaign momentum

The cancellation deprived Trump of another chance to amplify claims that his multiple ongoing indictments are an establishment conspiracy to overthrow him and, by extension, suppress the voters who elected him to office. first time eight years ago.

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Now, instead of attracting attention on his own terms at one of his signature mass rallies, his next public appearance will almost certainly be on Monday, back at the defendant's table for the opening arguments of the first criminal trial ever brought against an American president. And it's up to his campaign to decide when he can next be Trump the nominee instead of Trump the defendant.

I'm devastated that this could happen, but we want to keep everyone safe, Trump said.

The assembled voters expressed frustration with the turn of events, but made it clear they understood. Many of them had spent hours before the rally filling prime seats, patronizing food trucks and browsing a row of tents selling Trump memorabilia, including T-shirts with the former's photo president taken in Atlanta after his indictment for running a criminal case. plot to overturn Biden's 2020 victory.

“I've been with Donald Trump and I'm still with Donald Trump, but I'm disappointed he didn't come,” said Cheryl Lynn Johnson, who drove about two hours from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to witness what should have happened. was his fourth Trump rally. I'm angry at Mother Nature, but I support Trump.

Indeed, the public was ready to validate Trump's strategy of using the court time imposed on him to his advantage by incorporating the same populist and anti-establishment arguments that fueled his rise eight years ago.

It's political persecution, and if it were anyone else, they wouldn't have to deal with it, said Christian Armstrong, a 28-year-old firefighter who lives in Wilmington and was attending his first Trump rally .

LeeAnn Coleman, a 42-year-old who works in a family catering business, said, “It's ridiculous that he has to do this,” rather than spending time focusing on all the problems that he wants to solve.

These arguments could have come from Trump himself.

They want to keep me off the campaign trail, the candidate-turned-accused insisted earlier this week in Harlem, where he visited a neighborhood convenience store and spoke to a crowd of media at the outside after spending the day at his own jury selection. Rather than going after violent criminals, he said, they are going after Trump.

It's unclear when Trump's next campaign appearance will be. His trial in New York could last more than a month, significantly restricting his freedom to see voters, raise money and make calls, and additional court proceedings could follow later in the year. Trump aides have promised weekend rallies and events on Wednesday, the day of the week when Trump's secret trial is expected to be suspended. The former president's campaign also promised additional weekday appearances in New York, such as his trip to Harlem.

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But there is no consideration of the weather. The closest Trump came to assigning responsibility for the cancellation was mentioning weather officials, but he did not question the decision during his brief remarks.

Even with the cancellation, Trump's choice of venue underscored North Carolina's importance as a presidential battleground. Trump won here by less than 1.5 percentage points over Biden in 2020, the closest margin of any state Trump won. Saturday would have been the second time in as many months that Trump visited the state. Biden has visited North Carolina twice this year; Vice President Kamala Harris has been elected four times.

The presidential race will be fought across North Carolina, Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, said in a recent interview.




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