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Six witnesses record statements, two cross-examined

Six witnesses record statements, two cross-examined


Imran Khan (R), with his wife Bushra Bibi (L), watches as she signs bail bonds in various cases, at the registration office of the Lahore High Court on July 17, 2023. AFP

ISLAMABAD: Six witnesses recorded their statements and two were cross-examined in connection with the 190 million pound referral against PTI founder Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi.

Accountability court judge Nasir Javed Rana heard the case on Tuesday at Adiala jail. Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi were produced before the court. NAB officials appeared in court alongside Imran and Bushra's lawyers Usman Riaz Gul and Chaudhry Zaheer Abbas. The court recorded the statements of six other witnesses in the reference and the lawyers completed the cross-examination of two witnesses. The court then adjourned the hearing to April 29.

So far, statements of 21 witnesses have been recorded and cross-examination of 15 of them has been completed in the remand.

Informally addressing the media in the courtroom, Imran Khan said democracy was based on the supremacy of law and fair elections. The by-elections in Punjab were fought by the police. By-elections were also held in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. There is no democracy in the country. The elections were postponed only to crush the PTI, even their petition in the Supreme Court was not heard because they were also waiting for the PTI to be crushed. Every tactic was used, the morality of the country was destroyed and the majority turned into the minority.

If overseas Pakistanis invest in the country there will be no need for IMF, overseas Pakistanis do not invest money here because there is no security for They believe that democracy is necessary for a stable government, which is only possible through transparent elections.

The current configuration of the country is detrimental to the future of Pakistan.

No one has told me about a deal and I haven't received any messages. If people stand on one side, can anyone win? I was locked in a room, cases were registered against my three sisters. Maryam Nawaz and Benazir Bhutto were in politics. My wife has nothing to do with politics. The PTI government had good relations with Saudi Arabia, so in our time the OIC Foreign Ministers Conference was held in the country, Imran said.

Lawyer Gohar Ali Khan, PTI chairman, speaking to the media outside Adiala jail, said 21 witnesses had testified on the 190 million pounds benchmark. Imran Khan will be punished in this case as soon as possible. This case will also prove to be politically founded. The PTI founder expressed surprise over the by-election results, the polls were already full in Punjab, these were predetermined results that people saw.

Gohar said: The Election Commission of Pakistan has not given us a level playing field, why are the returning officers and district returning officers not from the judiciary? The Supreme Court of Pakistan heard our petition for reserved seats. Bushra Bibi is alone in Bani Gala. Bani Gala plants and grass are not watered, they are damaged. There should be permission to water the plants. We will organize a congress of lawyers, one of the points of which will be the rule of law. We appeal that on Friday there should be a peaceful protest in all constituencies, only for Pakistan and PTI. Bushra Bibis endoscopy was done but the report is yet to arrive. I was warmly welcomed in Gujrat. Bushra Bibi will be sentenced to 14 years in prison for humiliating the PTI founder. Imran does not believe in power sharing, he believes in democracy.




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