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Secret group of conservative donors meets to make 2024 plans with Trump appeal

Secret group of conservative donors meets to make 2024 plans with Trump appeal


Former President Donald Trump spent last week stuck in New York for the start of his secret trial. But on Wednesday, between two days of hearings, Trump took time to call a secret meeting of donors at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla., according to two people involved in the group who were present at the room.

The event was hosted by the Rockbridge Network, a low-key New Age conservative group that sees itself as the vanguard of an evolving Republican Party and is investing tens of millions of dollars in building new infrastructure for support him.

Trump spoke to a room of about 250 attendees who are more techno-populist than the traditional 20th century right or left, being drawn to the former president and the way he shook up the Republican Party. Trump was originally scheduled to be a guest speaker, but was unable to attend in person due to his trial in New York. Donald Trump Jr. ended up playing a pivotal role with his father as one of the featured speakers in person, according to the two people in attendance. Trump's co-campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita were also in attendance.

The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about the event. The former president's plans to call the Rockbridge meeting were first reported by Puck.

Rockbridge is not yet a household name in Republican politics, in part because the group has remained secret since its founding in 2019. The exact number of dollars behind the group is also difficult to verify, but one of the sources present said. last week who is familiar with the group's operations, told NBC News it is in the tens of millions. And while some older donor groups in the Republican Party are avoiding Trump, the Koch network, for example, is staying out of the presidential race after supporting Nikki Haley in the Republican primary, now preferring to focus on getting down the ballot. Rockbridge is firmly aligned with Trump.

Rockbridge sees itself as a sort of anti-Koch network that can fill gaps in which the party has not traditionally invested. As the Republican Party shifted from middle and upper class to middle and working class, Rockbridge's founders felt the GOP infrastructure had not evolved to support and capitalize on this, the same source noted. While Democrats had unions that organized their working-class base, for example, Republicans did not have a mechanism to do the same.

The organization is the brainchild of Ohio Sen. JD Vance (formerly a senator) and Chris Buskirk, co-founder of the conservative fund 1789 Capital and publisher of the American Greatness website, a professional media outlet. -Trump who describes herself as the leading voice of the next generation of American conservatism. Billionaire Peter Thiel is among those involved.

All these other historical think tanks and more traditional conservative organizations have not grasped the Trump movement at all and have not recognized the change. Many still operate as they did in the 1990s, said Omeed Malik, an entrepreneur and donor involved with Rockbridge since 2022.

Last week's three-day rally, held at the Palm Beach Four Seasons outside of Wednesday night's event at Mar-a-Lago, brought together loyal GOP donors new and old. Among the crowd were Rebekah Mercer, a major Republican Party donor, billionaire and former Trump ambassador to the United Kingdom Woody Johnson, and prominent conservative lawyer Leonard Leo, according to the two people at the meeting. There was also cryptocurrency luminary Erik Voorhees and former Uber executive Emil Michael.

Rockbridges members include a number of people from the tech world and beyond who may have never made political contributions before, as well as more traditional right-wing donors looking for new ways to invest their political money.

This isn't the first time Rockbridge has come together at Mar-a-Lago. The group's past events include a 2022 rally at the Trump Club, The New York Times reported in an article detailing some of the network's early plans.

One of Rockbridge's big projects for 2024 is voter registration. The group registered 125,000 voters in 2023 and hopes to double that figure in 2024, according to the source at last week's gathering who is familiar with Rockbridges' operations. The organization funds a program to target new registrants based on issues important to them, as well as an ambassador outreach structure that sees ten new voters each assigned to an organizer who gets to know them.

New voters could be especially important to Trump in 2024. The latest NBC News poll shows Trump leading by a healthy margin among respondents who didn't vote in 2020 or 2022. The question is whether these people will register and participate. This is where Rockbridge hopes to step in.

For people like Malik, the network also functions as an exchange and generator of ideas. It was during an event in Rockbridge in 2022 that the idea for the Malik 1789 Capital fund was born. He's now behind Tucker Carlson's new media project, with the fund leading the financing of the former Fox News host's latest venture.

Rockbridge's standing in broader Republican circles is still murky. Their name pops up sometimes, but it's not clear what their plan is for this cycle, said a Republican operative who works with donors.

What is clear is that the network has the attention of Trump and his campaign and plans to play an important role in getting him re-elected.




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