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Donald Trump tries to shake a witness's hand

Donald Trump tries to shake a witness's hand


Donald Trump approached Rhona Graff, his former personal assistant and a witness in his secret bribery trial, on Friday, shocking some people in the courtroom.

The jury heard testimony Friday afternoon from Graff, who worked for Trump for 34 years, from October 1987 to April 2021. During his testimony, Graff described Trump as a “thoughtful” boss, according to Katherine Fung of Newsweek, which covered the trial from inside the courtroom.

After Graff's testimony, Trump attempted to shake his hand, according to Fung. Prosecutors requested a side conversation with the judge before the next witness. The interaction left people in the courtroom confused, according to Fung, who was unable to see Graff's reaction.

Graff provided her testimony under a subpoena and was primarily used to verify case documents. She said the Trump Organization paid her lawyers. She testified that she and Trump talked business “99.9% of the time” but that he sometimes asked her about her family.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has accused Trump of falsifying business records related to a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. Prosecutors say the The payment was intended to prevent Daniels from speaking publicly about an affair she says she had with Trump.

Donald Trump attends his secret criminal trial in Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday. On Friday, he attempted to shake a witness's hand as she left court after testifying. Donald Trump attends his secret criminal trial in Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday. On Friday, he attempted to shake a witness's hand as she left court after testifying. Jeenah Moon-Pool/Getty Images

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges in the 34-count indictment and has denied having an affair with Daniels. He also said it was a case of election interference because he is running for president.

This is not the first interaction Trump has had with a witness at trial. David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer, was the first witness called. At the end of his testimony Friday, he smiled at Trump.

Pecker's testimony centered on the “catch and kill” practice the tabloid used to suppress stories. Pecker testified that he had conversations with Trump about an affair with Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model. Trump initially said he wasn't paying for the articles because they usually came out anyway, but Michael Cohen, his lawyer, later asked Pecker to facilitate the purchase of the story so that it is never published.

Cohen, who pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations related to hush money payments from McDougal and Daniels, was described in Pecker's testimony as a key figure in executing deals intended to protect Trump's campaign from possible scandals.

Trump has been an outspoken critic of the trial, calling it a political witch hunt and complaining that it prevented him from celebrating his wife's birthday. His comments on Truth Social prompted Bragg to call for him to be held in contempt for violating an order of silence. Prosecutors want Trump to be fined $1,000 for each violation of the order and have outlined 14 potential violations.

Judge Juan Merchan scheduled a hearing on the hush order violations for May 2.

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