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Why China-Russia relations are in focus as Xi Jinping visits Europe

Why China-Russia relations are in focus as Xi Jinping visits Europe



Emmanuel Macron thanks Xi Jinping for his commitment not to sell arms to Russia

Emmanuel Macron thanks Xi Jinping for his commitment not to sell arms to Russia

Xi, who is expected welcome Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing later this month, met this week with French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Monday in Paris, the two European partners tried to obtain a commitment from Beijing to adopt a tougher line towards Russia.

Speaking after the trilateral meeting, von der Leyen, who traveled from Brussels for the meeting, admitted that given the existential nature of the threats arising from this war for Ukraine and Europe, it does indeed affect EU-EU relations. China.

[Xi] played an important role in de-escalating Russia's reckless nuclear threats, she said, adding that she was confident that the Chinese leader would continue to do so in the context of Russia's persistent nuclear threats.

We count on China to use all its influence over Russia to end Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron attend a ceremony in France on Tuesday. Photo: AFP

Macron, meanwhile, told Xi that France and China must maintain a close dialogue over the war in Ukraine. Without security for Ukraine, there can be no security for Europe.

We welcome the Chinese authorities' commitment to refrain from selling arms or aid, the French leader said after a meeting with Xi at the Élysée Palace on Monday, adding that coordination with Beijing on the major crises in Ukraine and the Middle East was absolutely decisive.

According to China's Foreign Ministry, Xi has not broken with Beijing's long-term positions on the Ukraine war; he told the two European leaders that a ceasefire and peace in Europe was a common desire of China, France and the European Union.

We must work together to oppose the excesses and escalation of war, work together to create conditions for peace talks, and work together to maintain international energy and food security, as well as the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain, Xi said, adding that Beijing was willing to push for peace talks as much as possible.

At a joint news conference after a meeting with Macron, Xi pushed back against criticism of his country for its close ties with Russia.

We also oppose using the Ukrainian crisis to shirk responsibility or to defame a third country and provoke a new Cold War, he said.

Chinese observers said Beijing's stance on the Ukraine war had not changed, but for European leaders such as Macron, who demanded European security and strategic autonomy, it was a crucial moment to decide s 'They wanted to bring China closer to their orbit or push it out.

Geopolitical hills to climb for Xi and Macron during their meeting on the slopes of the Pyrenees

Wang Yiwei, director of the Center for European Union Studies at Renmin University in Beijing, said Europe was deeply frustrated two years ago when Beijing did not join the international chorus in condemning the Russian invasion.

When they realized that economic sanctions could not defeat Russia, they blamed China, Wang said. It was the West that brought Russia closer to China.

But Wang said European policymakers should rethink their strategies with China given domestic economic challenges, a growing populist tide and the former president's potential return to the White House. Donald Trumpwho declared that he would not defend European countries against Russian aggression if he is re-elected in November.

After the meeting with Xi and Macron, von der Leyen wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that China and the EU have a common interest in peace and security.

Ding Chun, director of the Center for European Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai, said China and Europe share commonalities regarding the war in Ukraine.

There is a common understanding between China and Europe, especially France and Germany, on finding a political solution to the war in Ukraine, he said. The more shared interests are, the more likely both parties are to work together.

However, Helena Legarda, a senior analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin, said it remained to be seen how far the mutual desire for peace could help end the war, despite their shared interests.

While the United States and its European allies continued economic sanctions against Russia in hopes of forcing Putin to stop the war, China continued to do strong business with Russia, reaching a record $240 billion. Last year.

Thriving trade between the two countries was a lifeline to the Russian economy, and Beijing has been reluctant to pressure Moscow to withdraw or negotiate. Instead, Chinese officials have repeatedly spoken about China's continued support for Russia, Legarda said.

Europe is concerned about the ongoing war in Ukraine and Sino-Russian relations create additional challenges, she said. And when it comes to how to end the war or what a lasting peace deal should look like, I see far less commonality.

However, Wang said Europe needed Beijing's help to end the war.

European leaders have called on Beijing to attend a peace conference in Switzerland next month. Russia has refused to join, and Chinese officials have said any peace talks must involve both Russia and Ukraine.


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Since the invasion of Ukraine, Putin has been boycotted by the West. In a brief speech Tuesday for his fifth inauguration, the Russian leader said Russia does not refuse dialogue with Western states.

The choice is theirs: do they intend to continue trying to contain Russia, continue the policy of aggression and continuous pressure on our country for years, or seek a path towards cooperation and peace, Putin said.

Wang said that whether we like it or not, European leaders should recognize Beijing's impact on dominant global concerns such as current conflicts.

On issues such as the war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the current crisis in the Middle East, China wields considerable influence, Wang said.




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