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Pakistan Army wants apology from Imran Khan party. PTI supporters refer Gen to psychiatrist

Pakistan Army wants apology from Imran Khan party.  PTI supporters refer Gen to psychiatrist


New Delhi: A press conference by General Ahmed Sharif, Director General of Pakistan's Inter-Services Public Relations, has not gone down well with the people of the country, including PTI supporters who are now suggesting he consult a psychiatrist and a psychologist. The sharp reactions came after the ISPR director general demanded the party apologize for targeting military installations on May 9 last year.

The Pakistan Army is now facing backlash on social media and citizens have turned the press conference into a meme event.

The only apologies pending for about seven decades now are those owed by the military-industrial-political complex to a population that never fully achieved the constitutional right to self-representation and grew up under massive repression, persecution and limited freedoms, wrote one user of Today's press are hilarious, ridiculous and ridiculous.

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Many choose not to be as respectful. The memes arrived with users Photoshopping Sharif onto everything from Bollywood dance numbers to spiritual gatherings.

A user put his photo in the viral video of followers of a monk who went berserk after getting his blessing.

Another dug his father's Wikipedia page, which talked about conspiracy theories involving djinns and energy crises.

Another user posted a photo of Sharif climbing out of a gutter while another posted a photo of him running away from a crowd charging at him with shoes. He was called an “idiot” with a joker’s face.

What the general says

It all started when General Ahmed Sharif laid down some ground rules for dialogue with Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party and demanded an apology from the PTI for the events that took place on May 9 last year. He also insisted that the party abandon what he calls “the politics of anarchy.”

There can be no dialogue with any anarchist group, he said, adding that the only way forward for anarchists is to sincerely apologize, abandon the politics of hatred and engage in constructive policy. [instead]the talks are about political parties, not institutions, Sharifs said.

He also added that nothing is hidden regarding the date May 9. The public, the military, and all of us have compelling evidence that certain political leaders have ordered their supporters to selectively target military installations.

Sharif's press conference quickly became the ground for a battle between the Pakistani military and Imran Khan's supporters, with the latter calling for the trial of military officials under Article 6 for alleged interference in politics.

At an official press conference addressing the generals' comment, PTI spokesperson Raoof Hasan said the conference reflected a spirit full of contradictions because in the end I didn't understand anything.

PTI social media manager Jibran Ilyas said that General Sharif had unknowingly become the 12th man of PTI.

I must say that social media is on fire today!#DGISPRne Maryam Nawaz ko completely beats Kardiya, when it comes to rejuvenating the insafians. Shukriya#12thMan, he tweeted.

Asad Qaiser, senior PTI leader, responded to Sharif's call for apology by saying: “Allah forgives me but I will never ask for forgiveness, even from my father.” The army must remain within its constitutional limits.

Amid the PTI's cheers and criticism of the military, voices have emerged questioning the military's involvement in political affairs and emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability.

For starters, why is a military spokesperson commenting on political voting trends, extrapolating mixed results (consistent with common journalistic consensus) and using them to deepen the civilian-military divide that exists due to this very absurdity? to see uniforms in politics? wrote one social media user.

Independent journalist Kiyya Baloch added: Call it a tragedy or misery of this society, a serving army officer appears at a press conference and asks a politician and a political group to seek an apology for nothing. In fact, the army and generals must apologize for their interference in politics.




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