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'Son of Fidel Castro, rocket man, patriot': What Trump said about Justin Trudeau, Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping

'Son of Fidel Castro, rocket man, patriot': What Trump said about Justin Trudeau, Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping


Former President of the United States Donald Trump On Wednesday, he did not mince his words in fueling a conspiracy theory about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. TrudeauThe Republican candidate's family roots hinted in an interview with a social media personality that the Canadian leader “could be the son” of the late communist leader Fidel Castro.
After seeing the Canadian prime minister's photo, the 45th president said: “Trudeau has become very liberal actually. They say he's the son of Fidel Castro and, uh, he could be. I mean anything is possible in this world, you know,” he said.
Trump added that he “got along very well” with Trudeau, but suggested he did not approve of his policies.
“He seems to be very progressive and Canadians don't like that,” he said.
Trump, who has taken a convenient liking to conservative leaders worldwide, said that a conservative candidate in Canada could win the next election, referring to Pierre Poilievre According to recent polls, Trudeau is leading. “If they had a good conservative, maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't. I don't know. But somebody who's a staunch conservative would win in Canada,” Trump said.
The conspiracy was already widely shared on social media after Castro's death in 2016, with Trudeau calling him a revolutionary and legendary orator. Trudeau was born on December 25, 1971, to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his wife Margaret, more than four years before Margaret made a highly publicized trip to Cuba and met Castro.
The suicide of Castro's eldest son on February 1, 2018, also added fuel to the fire, with multiple reports claiming that Fidelito had left a suicide note referring to Justin Trudeau as his half-brother. However, Trudeau at the time categorically denied the allegations and said his parents never visited Cuba until several years after he was born.
In the interview with Adin Ross, Trump also discussed his relationships with other world leaders and public figures, including a number of Democrats, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, whom he called a genius and a very good person, as well as Chinese President Xi Jinping and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, with whom he said he has good relations.
'He loves his country and he is very strong and powerful.
Donald Trump, who claimed to have received a nice note from Chinese leader Xi Jinping after narrowly surviving an assassination attempt, reiterated that he gets along very well with him.
I will have a very good relationship with him. There is no possibility of going to war with him. He does not want to go to war. We are not going there. He loves his country and he is very strong and powerful.
Trump also claimed that, unlike the Biden administration, he has a “relationship like no other.” He added, however, that he has exposed China during the Covid-19 pandemic and is committed to not letting China take advantage of it, which he believes is in America’s best interest.
Referring to the Chinese president's visit during his term, Trump criticized the Biden administration for not working enough with China and for doing so against it when the situation demanded it.
“The Rocket Man”
Trump, who once again showed his strange affection for the North Korean leader in an interview with the controversial internet personality, said Kim Jong-un was “very smart” and “a real powerhouse.” The 45th president said he played Elton John's hit song Rocket Man for the dictator when they met in Singapore in 2018, after he nicknamed Kim Little Rocket Man because of his nuclear claims.
Trump said his administration had conducted “close” checks and determined that Kim had “tremendous nuclear capability.”
Trump, who visited North Korea during his term, said: “I've gotten to know him very well and I get along very well with him. He's very strong. He's the absolute leader. You know, a lot of people say, 'Oh, maybe he's not the leader. He's the absolute. When he's there, his people stand at attention.'”
Trump also said the North Korean dictator had an opinion about Vice President Kamala Harris. “He doesn’t know her, but he has an opinion and he doesn’t like her,” he said. “And he thought Biden was a stupid man, a very stupid man.”
“But I say the same thing. At least we agree on something.”




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