Xi Jinping tells Trump that US and China must get along

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that Beijing and Washington must find a way to agree in a message to US President-elect Donald Trump, state media reported.
Trump's crushing of the presidential victory opens a new era of uncertainty in the United States and around the world, and heralds a possible shift in relations between the United States and China, frayed in recent years by tensions over everything from trade to the status of self-governing Taiwan.
In his first message to Trump since the former president won a second term, Xi said history shows that China and the United States benefit from cooperation and suffer from confrontation, the broadcaster reported public CCTV.
CCTV did not say how the message was transmitted.
A stable, healthy and lasting China-US relationship is in the common interests of the two countries and is in line with the expectations of the international community, Xi said.
He called on Washington and Beijing to strengthen dialogue and communication and properly manage differences.
The two countries should find a good way to get along in this new era, for the benefit of the two countries and the world, Xi said.
Chinese Vice President Han Zheng also sent a message to Vice President-elect JD Vance, CCTV reported.
Republican Trump and his Democratic rival Kamala Harris had pledged to be tougher on Beijing.
But Trump upped the ante, promising to impose 60% tariffs on all Chinese products entering the United States.
The president-elect aims to restore some balance in trade between the United States and China, Yun Sun, a senior fellow at the Stimson Center, told AFP.
Given his art of applying maximum pressure before reaching a deal, I expect him to impose the tariff, she added.
Mutual respect
On Thursday, Beijing warned there would be no winners in a trade war, with Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning saying it would not be sympathetic to the world.
Xi and Trump have already met four times and the former president has touted his very strong relationship with the Chinese leader.
He also claimed he would be able to deter Xi from an attack on self-ruled Taiwan by threatening 150 percent tariffs.
Analysts had said the election outcome would be a key focus of this week's meeting of top lawmakers in Beijing, aimed at hammering out a recovery plan to boost China's struggling economy.
The biggest concern will be how Beijing responds to Trump's expected huge tariff hike, which asset managers PineBridge Investments estimates could hit $500 billion in Chinese exports.
We expect the Chinese government to respond with limited retaliation and more domestic policy support for the economy, to partly offset the negative impact, Tao Wang, chief China economist, told AFP at UBS Investment Research.
Sources 2/ https://fortune.com/asia/2024/11/07/xi-jinping-tells-trump-us-china-must-get-along/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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