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Donald Trump wants to kill the development of offshore wind power. Easier said than done. – Mother Jones

Donald Trump wants to kill the development of offshore wind power. Easier said than done. – Mother Jones


Donald Trump opposed the development of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Center in Aberdeen Bay, Scotland, because he didn't want his golfing clients to see the wind turbines. Michal Wachucik/PA Wire/ZUMA

This story was originally published by Grist and is reprinted here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

President-elect Donald Trump's promise to end offshore wind development on the first day of his second term is already triggering slowdowns in projects on the East Coast, but the largest wind farm proposed in the Gulf of Mexico will likely stay on track.

That's because the project is on such a long development timeline that Trump's four-year term will be over before permits are obtained and construction begins, according to RWE, the German energy giant that plans to build a 2,000-megawatt wind farm about 40 miles south of the lake. Charles, Louisiana. The project, which could power more than 350,000 homes, is not expected to be operational for around a decade.

The project has a long-term development timeline, longer than that of any federal administration, and with an expected operational date in the mid-2030s, RWE spokesperson Ryan Ferguson said.

RWE, the world's second largest offshore wind developer, and other key players in the renewable energy sector have announced changes to their funding priorities and warned of possible delays and derailments in projects after the Trump's election to the presidency this month.

The change of administration in the United States poses risks for the timely implementation of offshore wind projects, Michael Muller, RWE's chief financial officer, said at a press conference earlier this month. The new Republican administration could delay certain projects. The completion of our Community Offshore Wind project near New York, for example, depends on pending permits issued by the US federal authorities.

Higher risks and delays in the U.S. offshore wind market prompted RWE to launch a $1.6 billion share buyback, RWE CEO Markus Krebber said on a call with investors. The buyout marks a significant shift in the company's near-term spending priorities, but does not diminish confidence in the sustainability of U.S. demand for renewable energy, Mr. Muller said, noting that a growing number of States set solar and wind energy goals.

Recalibrating RWEs makes sense, said Jenny Netherton, Southeastern Wind Coalitions Louisiana program manager. It wasn't unexpected, she said. Businesses are still trying to find the best path forward in an uncertain environment.

Nationally, there is very little control over what happens, but in Louisiana, offshore wind has a very clear path forward.

Trump's opposition to offshore wind began in 2006, when he launched a decade-long fight against the Scottish government over a proposed wind farm that the future US president said would spoil the view from a golf course he hoped to build. Trump lost the battle and was ordered to pay Scotland nearly $300,000 in legal fees. In recent speeches, Trump has said wind farms hurt property values ​​and wildlife. Stranger still, he claimed that wind power causes cancer, raises food prices and stops people from watching TV when the wind isn't blowing.

During his first term, Trump was accused of slowing down permitting for some of the first offshore wind farms in federal waters. RWE and other companies say wind farms already under construction will likely move forward, but projects expected to start within the next two years could face setbacks.

Of the 30 states with offshore wind potential, nine have statewide wind energy mandates. Two states, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, have deadlines to meet their wind energy goals in the 2020s and four states, New York, Connecticut, Maryland and Virginia, have deadlines in the 2030s .

Those goals and America's ever-growing need for electricity are signs that Trump could slow, but not kill, wind energy development, Muller said.

We still believe in American offshore wind [energy] is still needed, he said, mentioning New York in particular. If they want to meet demand, they need offshore wind power.

Louisiana set a goal of developing 5,000 megawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2035, but that goal was not legally binding. Proposed in 2021 during the administration of Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, the goal appears to have been abandoned by Gov. Jeff Landry, who took office in January. The Republican governor has said little publicly about offshore wind development and has not responded to requests for his position on the issue.

Many other Louisiana Republicans strongly support offshore wind, seeing it as an economic boon for the state. Louisiana companies that have long served the offshore oil and gas industry have seen their business decline in recent years. Several of them, including shipbuilders, engineering firms, and metal fabricators, readily contributed to the planning and construction of offshore projects on the East Coast, including the United States' first offshore wind farm .

Bipartisan legislation in Louisiana paved the way for an expedited approval process for wind projects in state-managed waters, which extend up to 3 miles from the coast. Louisiana approved deals with two companies to build small-scale wind farms near Cameron Parish and Port Fourchon, the Gulf's largest oil and gas port. Both projects will likely be built years before the RWE wind farm.

The last federal lease auction in the Gulf was canceled in July due to low interest from bidders, but two companies recently proposed competing projects for a 142,000-acre area near Galveston, Texas. It's unclear how Trump's victory will affect these proposals. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is waiting to see if there is more developer interest in the area and will likely launch a competitive lease sale in the coming months.

Even though Trump may cause uncertainty at the federal level, Louisiana should not waver in its support for offshore wind energy, Netherton said.

She still has broad support here, she said. Nationally, there is very little control over what happens, but in Louisiana, offshore wind has a very clear path forward.

This coverage was made possible through a partnership between Grist and Deep South Today, a nonprofit network of local newsrooms providing essential journalism in underserved communities and ensuring its long-term growth and sustainability.




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