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Senior Iranian cleric calls on Pak PM to end targeted killings of minorities


Condemning the recent attack in Pakistan that killed 11 people from Balochistan’s Shiite Hazara minority community, senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi called on the government led by Imran Khan to end the targeted assassination of “supporters of” Ahl ul- Bayt (AS) “.

“The recent crime in Bolan, Balochistan, filled the hearts of all Quran followers, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his home in the world with sorrow and filled their hearts with anger,” Ayatollah said Nasser Makarem Shirazi. said by IRNA on January 8.

“The prosecution of the crimes committed by the Takfiri groups in Pakistan and the targeted assassination of the followers of Ahl ul-Bayt (AS) in this Islamic land have deeply distressed me and all those who are interested in religion” , he added. .

Although several decades have passed since the onset of these insecurities, but unfortunately the government and the judicial, military and security organizations of this country have not been able to stem this great crisis, and every day the bad ones news of new murders and terrorist operations is heard, IRNA quoted the senior Iranian cleric.

On January 3, unidentified gunmen broke into a coal mine in the town of Machh, near Quetta, removing ethnic Hazaras, members of the Pakistani Shiite minority, from their homes and shooting at them. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Shiite community had protested against the killing of minors over the past six days.

The Baluch Republican Party has said that Imran Khan’s government is deliberately turning a deaf ear to the voices of the Baluch, Hazaras, Sindhis and minorities.

BRP spokesman Sher Mohammad Bugti said in a tweet that the latest brutal murder case of 11 Hazaras is yet another testament to lawlessness and persecution of minorities in Pakistan.

“Imran Khan’s government is deliberately turning a deaf ear to the voices of the Baloch, Hazaras, Sindhis and minorities who are simply looking for a peaceful and dignified life,” he said.

(Only the title and image of this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is automatically generated from a syndicated feed.)

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