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US, China agree to urgently cooperate on climate crisis


SEOUL The United States and China, the world’s two biggest carbon polluters, agreed to cooperate with other countries to tackle climate change, just days before President Joe Biden holds a virtual leaders’ summit world to discuss the matter.

The deal was struck by US special climate envoy John Kerry and his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua during two days of talks in Shanghai last week, the State Department said in a statement on Saturday.

The United States and China pledged to cooperate with each other and with other countries to tackle the climate crisis, which must be treated with the seriousness and urgency it demands, according to the joint statement.

China and the United States are the world’s biggest carbon polluters, pumping out nearly half of the fossil fuel fumes that heat the planets’ atmospheres. Their cooperation is key to the success of global climate change efforts, but China’s frayed human rights, trade and land claims ties to Taiwan and the South China Sea have threatened to undermine these efforts.

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Kerrys’ trip to Shanghai marked the highest level trip to China for a U.S. official since Biden took office in January. From Shaghai, the former secretary of state flew to South Korea for talks.

Biden invited 40 world leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, to the April 22-23 summit. The United States and other countries are expected to announce more ambitious national carbon emission reduction targets before or at the meeting, while pledging financial support for less wealthy countries’ climate efforts.

It is not known to what extent Kerrys’ visit to China would promote U.S.-China cooperation on climate issues.

While Kerry was still in Shanghai, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng signaled on Friday that China is unlikely to make any new commitments at next week’s summit.

For a large country of 1.4 billion people, those goals are not easy to achieve, Le said in an interview with The Associated Press in Beijing. Some countries are asking China to meet the targets earlier. I am afraid that is not very realistic.

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As to whether Xi will join the summit, Le said the Chinese side is actively studying the matter.

In a video meeting with German and French leaders on Friday, Xi also said climate change should not become a geopolitical chip, a target to attack other countries, or an excuse for trade barriers, although he called for closer cooperation on the matter, according to the state-run Xinhua News Agency.

Biden, who has said tackling global warming is one of his highest priorities, had the United States adhere to the Paris climate agreement in the early hours of his presidency, overturning the US withdrawal ordered by his predecessor Donald Trump.

The main emitters of greenhouse gases are gearing up for the next UN climate summit to be held in Glasgow, UK, in November. The summit aims to revive global efforts to keep rising global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), as agreed in the Paris agreement.

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According to the US-China statement, the two countries would strengthen their respective actions and cooperate in multilateral processes, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.

He said the two countries were strongly committed to working together and with other parties to strengthen the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Associated Press editor Ken Moritsugu in Beijing contributed to this report.

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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