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EU-China deal nears end as EU lawmakers fret over Chinese sanctions


May 9, 2021 7:01 AM IS

Beijing [China], May 9 (ANI): Amid repeated clashes with China over retaliatory sanctions against elected officials, EU lawmakers oppose the trade deal signed with Beijing last year, a pact many were already opposed to .
Finbarr Bermingham for the South China Morning Post (SCMP) writes that Beijing appears to have done something many thought was impossible – unite the European Parliament on one issue. Experts say the situation is critical and the deal is hurting support.
MEPs plan to introduce a motion this month to put the Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI) “on ice” until Beijing removes its sanctions, although Chinese analysts say it is very unlikely.
“The European Parliament is associating the lifting of anti-sanctions sanctions with the approval of the deal, which China is struggling to accept,” said Cui Hongjian, an expert on Europe at the China Institute for International Studies.
Meanwhile, German Green Party candidate Annalena Baerbock told an Atlantic Council event on Thursday that under her leadership, China’s Chinese policy in Germany would closely mirror that of US President Joe Biden, who introduced sweeping policies towards China, the SCMP reported.

The Green Party is the rival of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, which is the main sponsor of the China-EU deal.
“I would say that we are not really apart on this point. You have also now stepped up the dialogue on the climate issue and have a strong tone on human rights, and also on the issue of tariffs. So I think i’m in a similar sense field to [the Biden] administration, ”she said.
Elvire Fabry, a senior researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute in Paris, said Macron had remained silent on the CAI, the SCMP reported.
“I mean, he was clearly in favor at the time. He was there, and he was criticized for being there. But it was a way of showing that he would share the presidency at the time of early ratification. 2022. But since then he’s been very careful, ”said Fabry.
The EU sanctions imposed on China in March marked the EU’s first punitive measures against Beijing since it imposed an arms embargo after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.
In retaliation for the bloc’s sanctions, China decided to introduce sanctions against ten European Union officials and four European organizations after accusing them of spreading lies and false information about the Xinjiang region.
Since the signing of the agreement by Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, the European Parliament has become increasingly concerned about China’s human rights record on issues, including alleged forced labor camps and the crackdown in Hong Kong against anti-government protesters, the Greek City Times reported. (ANI)

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