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Laker duo went to play hockey for Saint Michaels | Sport


Saint Michaels College (SMC) head coach Carla Hesler recently announced that she has nine prospective student athletes for the upcoming season, two of whom are recent graduates of Colchester High.

Former Lakers Ciera Morse and Petra Bajuk made the decision to stay close to home and become Purple Knights for Hesler.

Not only did the pair play at varsity level for Colchester head coach Katie Comeau, but they also played back to their high school days under her.

I’m very excited to see what the future holds for both Petra and Ciera, both academically and athletically, Comeau said. Both players are great teammates, they have a great drive and they will push themselves to do what they need to do to support their team and achieve their goals. I am so excited to see them play in college.

A keeper, the minutes of horses may be limited this fall, but may increase rapidly in the coming years as SMC has two senior netminders who will return. She caught Hesler’s attention in the winter of 2019 while playing at the Champlain Valley Exposition as a member of the Element FH Club.

Ciera immediately impressed me with her mobility and technical skills, Hesler said. Her ability to get behind every ball and her position awareness around the goal are also important assets for Ciera. Ciera is also a highly coachable athlete, as confirmed by Coach Comeau and has shown a huge improvement in her seasons at Colchester High. Her selections for the Burlington Free Press All-State Team and Vermont Twin State Team are also the most impressive. Ciera is a good fit for our two senior goalkeepers and continues to develop her skills with coaching of goalkeeper coach Jim Laskarzewski.

If she hadn’t chosen to stay in the city, Morse would probably have gone south because she was also considering going to the University of Tennessee, High Point University, or Coastal Carolina University.

I’m very excited to go to St. Mikes and play for Coach Hesler, Morse said. I grew up watching the sports of St. Mike and I am happy to be able to play now. I only looked at St. Mikes to play hockey because I had only contacted Coach Hesler; she came to watch the Twin State tryouts and then we started chatting more. I am happy to be able to play so close to home where my friends and family can come and watch.

Morse plans to study business in Saint Michaels.

Ciera has developed her trade between posts over the past seven years, Comeau added. She has become a highly respected athlete and goalkeeper and I think St. Mikes is a good fit for her as a student athlete.

Bajuk was listed as an attacker in Hesler’s incoming class announcement and is expected to make an impact in the program soon. She began to be recruited as a potential Purple Knight after visiting the campus last fall, and Comeaus’ strong recommendation to the SMC head coach confirmed that the Laker had a strong desire to join SMC while obtaining her undergraduate degree locally .

When I saw Petra playing, the first thing I noticed was her creative stickwork, Hesler said, and the second is her nose to score. She combines deception, speed and awareness in her positional play and has a good view of the field to set up players around her. Her speed and skills as a playmaker make her a dangerous attacker and a player to add to our striker this fall.

Bajuk says she was attracted to both the college’s strong academic offering and the opportunity to play specifically for Hesler.

I’m so excited to have the opportunity to play hockey for Coach Hesler and SMC, Bajuk exclaimed. This team is truly a family and I am proud to wear purple and gold this fall. When I first met Coach Hesler, I was impressed by the strong team community she had created. I was further impressed by SMC’s powerful pre-med program and the support of the individual student. The ability to play in a varsity squad while pursuing my academic goals was certainly a huge factor in my dedication to the Purple Knights!

The attacker echoed her teammates’ feelings at Colchester High that she could play nearby.

I am grateful that my family and friends will have the opportunity to cheer the team on, Bajuk said. This was great for COVID, but it’s even more valuable during a pandemic.

Bajuk is set to major in biology on the pre-med track.

Petra is an incredibly disciplined and talented athlete and student, Comeau said. I expect that she will be a huge asset to the St. Mikes team.

Comeau also noted that – although Lakers have moved to the next level earlier in the past – it will certainly be different to have a few playing on the road, and she foresees a few team trips to campus to root for their former teammates.

Being close to home makes it easy for teammates, friends and family to support them and really creates an opportunity to be a role model for prospective players in the Laker program, Comeau said. I plan to have our team attend some matches and support our Lakers graduate, and I’m excited to see the impact this will have on future Laker hockey players. Being so close to home makes it so recognizable to younger players and shows that the goal of playing after high school is achievable.

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