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Xi Jinping tells Antony Blinken that the United States should avoid vicious competition with China

Xi Jinping tells Antony Blinken that the United States should avoid vicious competition with China


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Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the two countries should not engage in cutthroat competition, as bilateral relations remain tense over issues including the South China Sea, Taiwan and Beijing's support for Russia's war in Ukraine.

In a meeting Friday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Xi told Blinken that the United States and China should be partners, not rivals, and that they should seek mutual success, not harming each other. , according to Chinese state media.

China is happy to see a confident, open and prosperous United States. We hope the US side can also view China's development in a positive and proactive light, the Chinese president said.

Once this fundamental issue is resolved, only then will China-US relations truly stabilize, improve and progress, Xi added.

Speaking after his meeting with Xi, Blinken said that while he seeks to deepen cooperation where our interests align, the United States is very clear-eyed about the challenges posed by [China].

Noting that China was the main supplier of machine tools, microelectronics, nitrocellulose and other dual-use items essential to Russia's defense industrial base, he told reporters that Moscow would struggle to continue its assault on Ukraine without Chinese support.

He said he had detailed Washington's concerns in his meetings and would wait to see Beijing's response, warning that the United States was fully prepared to take action. [action] if we don't see a change.

During his talks Friday morning with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Blinken also stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea and around Taiwan, according to a spokesperson for the Department of Defense. State.

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Wang told Blinken, who is on a three-day trip to China, that while dialogue and cooperation have intensified in various fields, negative factors in Sino-U.S. relations continue to persist. accentuate and accumulate.

Wang added that the United States should respect China's red lines, such as Beijing's territorial claims to Taiwan, and cease its arms sales to the island. Wang also criticized Washington for continually introducing measures to contain China, such as blocking technology exports and spreading a false narrative about Chinese industrial overcapacity.

China is responsible for a third of global production, but a tenth of global demand, so there is a clear disconnect, Blinken said. He pointed out that heavy subsidies given to the industry by Beijing had led to significant domestic overcapacity and the export of goods abroad at extremely low prices.

Cooperation between the superpowers has advanced in some areas, including limiting sales of fentanyl precursors by Chinese companies, since a rapprochement in November, when US President Joe Biden met Xi in San Francisco, according to Chinese officials .

But friction has also intensified in the South China Sea, which China claims almost in its entirety. Chinese ships are trying to prevent the Philippines from resupplying Marines on the Sierra Madre, a rusting ship stranded on the Second Thomas Shoal, a submerged reef inside the Philippines' exclusive economic zone.

The United States has warned that its mutual defense treaty with the Philippines applies to the Sierra Madre, with Biden expressing deep concern over the issue in a phone call with Xi this month.

China said Wang and Blinken agreed to continue exchanges between the two militaries and consultations in other areas, such as cooperation on drug control, climate change and artificial intelligence.

The two sides are willing to strengthen communication on international and regional hot issues, China said.

Additional reporting by Wenjie Ding in Beijing




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