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It's game-on at this lively sports bar in downtown Stafford

It's game-on at this lively sports bar in downtown Stafford


The independent gaming bar in Stafford opened in November 2022 and was the creation of a group of friends who were inspired by similar venues elsewhere.

They wanted to bring the same experience to Stafford and create a venue where people could come together to create memories that last well beyond the night itself.

The team set out to convert the former MAX 99p store on Market Street into their dream location.

Swimming pool is always a favorite with visitors to the bar

This included DIYing many of the interior features, including the miniature golf course.

Since opening, the bar's entertainment activities have continued to increase, including the addition of a basketball hall, beer pong and board games.

The past year has been great getting to know the local town community whilst bringing an element of fun to the pub scene, says venue manager Alex Williams, who is supported by the three owners.

We continue to work hard as a local, independent business to offer Stafford something it didn't have before: a great bar with fun games to play all night long.”

Alex on the dance floor

Having no previous bar experience, they all learned on the job and it was important for them to listen to their customers and take their feedback to heart.

Alex says all the games have been popular with players, but one game in particular, which has intrigued visitors since the bar opened, is shuffleboard.

Players push weighted pucks along a long, smooth wooden table to a scoring area on the other side.

They can also try to knock the opponent's pucks off the board and protect their own pucks from moving.

Many people don't know what shuffleboard is and how to play. They soon realize it's fun and addictive, says Alex.

It doesn't require any specific skills, so anyone can participate, he adds.

There are many different games to choose from

The interactive dartboards that automatically provide all the scores for the players are also a big hit with visitors, along with the pool tables that never go out of style.

Alex says the bar has been welcomed by the local community and visitors are often surprised by how much there is to do when they walk through the doors.

A lot of people don't realize how big the place is, says Alex, who previously worked in the hair and beauty industry for 15 years.

As well as friends and couples enjoying a night out together, the venue has proven popular with groups of people celebrating hen parties, corporate events and team building sessions.

In addition to expanding the range of games, the team, which consists of five employees, has also expanded its other offerings and now offers a bottomless brunch, children's parties and karaoke.

The miniature golf was created by the team

In the coming months, the team will want to renovate a number of facilities, such as the mini golf course.

When the venue first opened, it was only open on weekends, but has since expanded its hours to seven days a week.

A daytime café will also open, serving coffee, tea and a selection of food items such as jacket potatoes, toasties, pizzas and more.

We are always looking for ways to improve and expand where we can, says Alex.

To see 01785 501063 or email [email protected] for more information.




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