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Watch: The Austrian striker scores the fastest goal in international football history after just six seconds

Watch: The Austrian striker scores the fastest goal in international football history after just six seconds


Austrian Christoph Baumgartner celebrates his goal

Austrian striker Christoph Baumgartner scored the fastest goal in international football history with a sensational solo effort in his side's victory over Slovakia.

There were just six seconds left on the clock in the friendly when Baumgartner's low shot flew past Newcastle goalkeeper Martin Dubravka, with the RB Leipzig striker giving his side an incredible start.

Baumgartner received the ball from kick-off and simply ran at his opponents, skipping three challenges before unleashing a drive that found the bottom corner.

The previous record was seven seconds and belonged to former Germany striker Lukas Podolski when he opened the scoring in his side's 4-2 win over Ecuador in 2013.

However, that is now only the third fastest goal in international history, as Florian Wirtz scored a brilliant goal for Germany seven seconds into their match against France on Saturday evening.

England conceded a goal after eight seconds to San Marinos Davide Gaultieri in November 1993, in one of the most embarrassing episodes for the national team.

The fastest goal in Premier League history belongs to Shane Long, who scored after 7.69 seconds in Southampton's 1-1 draw against Watford in the 2018/19 season. What made that goal even more unusual was that Watford were on the kick-off, with Long Craig attacking Cathcarts before scoring.

The fastest Premier League goal since then was Philip Billings' strike in Bournemouth's 3-2 defeat at Arsenal last season, scored after 9.11 seconds as his side took advantage of a clever kick-off routine.

Austria went on to win 2–0 after Baumgartner's early try, with Andreas Weimann adding a late second for a side led by former Manchester United interim manager Ralph Rangnick.

Austria have won four straight games as they build momentum ahead of this summer's European Championships in Germany. Rangnicks' team will play against Turkey on Tuesday and will compete against France, the Netherlands and Wales or Poland in the summer tournament.

Baumgartner came through the youth ranks at Hoffenheim before moving to Leipzig in the summer of 2023, scoring 11 goals in 34 appearances for his country.

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