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Fantasy hockey stock watch – Goalkeepers are in the spotlight

Fantasy hockey stock watch – Goalkeepers are in the spotlight


A “Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday competition” indeed. With a pair of games on Wednesday, fourteen games on Thursday and one unique battle between the Devils and Sabers on Friday, this three-day stretch shows the NHL in its most extreme “feast or famine” mode.

Only Buffalo plays on both Wednesday (vs. Ottawa) and Friday (vs. New Jersey), when almost everyone is off. So, if possible, consider streaming one or two available Sabres, such as forward JJ Peterka, defenseman Owen Power or goalkeeper Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen. In Wednesday's only other game, the Bruins will take on the Lightning in Tampa.

Of course, the tough test on Thursday will determine who should start and who should sit – mainly (but not exclusively) between the pipes. There's a lot more to enjoy from the net with the Penguins against a hard-hit Columbus team than between two heavyweights in Colorado, at least on paper. The Rangers are the first team to reach 100 points and are 9-3-1 since Feb. 28. The Avalanche are 10-2-0 in that same time. In their last meeting (February 5), the Rangers defeated Colorado 2-1 in overtime.

A sizzling Jamie Benn and the rest of the Stars could also pose a tough challenge for the Pacific-leading Canucks, while matchups between the Knights/Jets and Kings/Oilers – however delightful as matchups outside the fantasy sphere – can be a headache for fantasy managers who are still conflicted. Meanwhile, other goaltenders play against teams like the Ducks, Flames, Blue Jackets and Sharks. I'm just saying'.

Resources: Goalkeeper Depth Chart | Daily Lines | Projections | Play for free | Player evaluator | Most Added/Omitted | Mock design lobby | How to watch on ESPN+

Store inventory

Philipp Kurashev, F, Chicago Blackhawks (available in 91.1% of leagues): Connor Bedard's linemate has six goals and nine assists in a dozen games in March, including six points on the power play. The Blackhawks visit the Senators on Thursday before landing in Philadelphia on Saturday.

Kaiden Guhle, D, Montreal Canadiens (58.8%): With the young defender always good for a useful number of blocked shots, consider the pair of goals and three helpers in his last four games as a fantasy bonus. With the task of making the playoffs completely off the table, this 22-year-old can complete his first full NHL season with very little pressure.

Charlie Lindgren, G, Washington Capitals (72.2%): Of course why not? The Capitals' current No. 1 pick, winner of six of his last seven, is doing his best to keep his roster in the playoff mix. While I wouldn't necessarily play him against Toronto on Thursday – that tête-à-tête didn't go well for Lindgren last week – there are still plenty of tasty games ahead.

Jordan Binnington, G, St. Louis Blues (43.5%): Six points off a play-off spot, the Blues face the floundering Flames and struggling Sharks over the next four days. Next week's four-game schedule includes another matchup with San Jose, plus a visit to Anaheim. There is fantasy value in my story of the club's No. 1 (who has been completely solid of late), as long as he doesn't lose too many starts to competent backup Joel Hofer.

Frederik Andersen, G, Carolina Hurricanes (37.1%): Another fixture in this space for most of March, Andersen is a perfect 6-0-0 since returning to action. Add in his .951 SV% and 1.34 GAA and it all adds up to an average of 7.0 fantasy points/game in's standard leagues. Only Juuse Saros and Cam Talbot have more points in the past month, having played almost twice as many games.

Stock down

Alexandar Georgiev, G, Colorado Avalanche (96.6%): He's down, if only for that this week. As mentioned, the Avalanche face the Rangers on Thursday and the seemingly unbeatable Predators on Saturday. It doesn't get much more difficult than that.

Jacob Markstrom, G, Calgary Flames (61.7%): While they haven't been mathematically eliminated from playoff contention, the Flames (and their recent four-loss streak) compete like they're way out of it. Calgary has eleven games left. Dustin Wolf will likely earn at least half of those starts.

Streamer Specials

Filip Gustavsson, G, Minnesota Wild (44.5%): There's nothing like a date with the worst team in the league to get fully back on track — and San Jose is 2-15-4 since Jan. 31. After earning his third shutout of the season against the Ducks last week, Gustavsson has a great chance to get another much-needed win against the Sharks on Thursday. The Wild's ultra-slim playoff hopes depend on it. It also doesn't hurt that both Joel Eriksson Ek and Jonas Brodin could be back in action for that home game.

Alex Nedeljkovic, G, Pittsburgh Penguins (96.6%): The Penguins netminder was extra impressive during Tuesday's 4-1 win over the playoff Hurricanes. Pittsburgh hosts the non-playoff-bound (not to mention injury-plagued) Blue Jackets on Thursday.

Joey Daccord/Philipp Grubauer, G, Seattle Kraken: Join whoever gets the nod against the Ducks on Thursday. Anaheim hit all twelve (!) shots against the Kraken on Tuesday, and Daccord stopped them all.




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