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IPL 2024: Cricket was my backup for academics: Burger

IPL 2024: Cricket was my backup for academics: Burger


“I've always played backyard cricket with friends and parents, but I wouldn't say I ever had the desire to go pro.”

Burgt heard

IMAGE: Nandre Burger's performances for South Africa earned him a Rs 50 lakh contract with Rajasthan Royals. Photo: BCCI

South African left-arm fast bowler Nandre Burger never aspired to become a cricketer, but chose to take up the sport because “it was a free way to study”.

In 2014, Burger gained admission through a cricket trial to the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) on a full scholarship to major in psychology. He has never looked back since.

Burger, 28, is now an all-format pacer for South Africa after making his national team debut in December last year.

His performances for South Africa earned him a Rs 50 lakh contract with Rajasthan Royals. He also played for Joburg Super Kings in SA20 last month.

“Sounds strange, right. WITS offered a scholarship for those who played cricket. I thought it was cool. I didn't want to be a cricketer, but I got a free way to study, so I thought why not? Cricket was actually my back -up for academics (laughs),” Burger told ESPNcricinfo.

He made his IPL debut in RR's 20-run win over Lucknow Super Giants in Rajasthan on March 24.

But the journey has not been easy for the lanky left-arm pacer. He tried tennis and squash before turning to cricket due to a back injury.

Burger has now recovered from the injury. It was his university coach Neil Levenson who saw in him a potential fast bowler for the national team.

“I laughed it off at first. I thought, 'Man, I'm bowling 75 mph. I can't do this for a living. I've seen guys bowl 90 mph.' Neil wouldn't hear of it. I told him, 'Okay, I'll give this a try.' And within a few weeks, I was excited to practice. I was missing classes to be at practice and wanted to overwork hitters,” Burger said.

“Then I got the opportunity to become a net bowler with the franchise team in Jo'burg – Highveld Lions. I used to play backyard cricket with friends and parents, but wouldn't say I ever had the desire to become a professional. “

Burger has so far played two Tests, three ODIs and a T20 International for South Africa, taking 11, 5 and 1 wicket respectively.

In just his second ODI last December in Gqeberha, Burger took 3 for 30 to help South Africa bowl out India for 211.

“As I walked off the field, Pommie (Mbangwa) and Shaun Pollock said, 'Well bowled, and congratulations,' and I'm thinking, congratulations on taking three wickets? Congratulations on bowling ten overs? It wasn't even my debut , so I'm confused. I go in, change clothes and come back down,” he said.

'Shaun said, 'I'm sure you're so excited.' I still didn't get it, so I said, 'Yeah, it's cool, I think I got my first (ODI) wicket, so it's a great feeling.' Then he says, 'No man, I mean for the IPL. You are going to play for Rajasthan Royals'.

“Everyone was saying 'Congratulations' and I wasn't aware of what was happening. When I turned on my phone after the game, all I read was 'congratulations, congratulations, congratulations' and 'well done, well done'. I did that. ” I don't know if it was for the game or for IPL.”




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