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Host locations announced for the 2025 and 2026 ITA Division I National Team Indoor Championships

Host locations announced for the 2025 and 2026 ITA Division I National Team Indoor Championships


TEMPE, Az. – The Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) is pleased today to announce the selections of SMU and Baylor as co-hosts for the 2025 and 2026 ITA Division I Mens National Team Indoor Championship, and Illinois and Northwestern as co-hosts for the 2025 and 2026 2026 ITA Division I Women's National Team Indoor Championship.

As announced in yesterday's ITA press release Format changes announced for the 2025 and 2026 ITA Division I National Team Indoor Championships, two host schools within 200 miles of each other will now share hosting responsibilities for the Indoor Championships to enhance the in-person viewing experience, the student-athlete experience , as well as broadcast production throughout the event.

On the women's side, Illinois and Northwestern will welcome the top teams from Division I Women's Tennis to Champaign and Evanston in 2025 and 2026 for what will be an unforgettable experience for student-athletes and fans alike.

We are thrilled to have been selected to host the ITA National Womens Indoor Championships in Champaign in 2025 and 2026, named Illinois Womens Tennis Head Coach Evan Clark. We would like to thank Dave Mullins, Cory Brooks and the entire ITA staff for providing the University of Illinois with the opportunity to host such a prestigious event on our campus.

Clark continues: We believe we have the facilities, staff and community to deliver a world-class event that highlights the best of what women's tennis has to offer. We are confident that with our extensive experience organizing National Championships, we will once again provide a great experience for the student-athletes and coaches participating in the event. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the University of Illinois and Champaign in 2025 and 2026.

During these two years, Northwestern will be designated as the final site and will host both the semifinals and finals at its location.

We are thrilled that we will be hosting the newly created National Indoor Championships, exclaimed Northwestern Womens Tennis Head Coach Claire Pollard. Our primary goal is to ensure that every participating student-athlete has a truly extraordinary experience. We strive to rally the entire Chicagoland tennis community behind this event to create an exciting atmosphere for all teams involved. With six courts in a row, newly renovated locker rooms and a state-of-the-art video scoreboard, we are confident this championship will be unforgettable. Thank you to the ITA for this incredible opportunity. We just can't wait for February 2025 to arrive!

For the men, Baylor and SMU will be the two co-hosts for the 2025 and 2026 ITA Division I Men's National Team Indoor Championships. Utilizing two great facilities, both Baylor and SMU are sure to put on a great event over the next two years.

Our university and athletics department are pleased to have the opportunity to host ITA's premier collegiate men's tennis event for years to come, said Michael Woodson, Baylor men's tennis head coach. We look forward to the opportunity to lay a great foundation for the new format of the ITA National Team Indoor Championships. These student-athletes deserve the best treatment in every way as they compete for titles among the nation's best. Baylor Mens Tennis will work hard, with our dedicated staff and in partnership with SMU, to deliver the best indoor championships yet.

Likewise, SMU, like Northwestern on the women's side, will be designated as the final site and will host both the semifinals and finals at the Styslinger/Altec Tennis Complex.

“On behalf of SMU, the city of Dallas, and the Styslinger/Altec Tennis Complex, we are thrilled to welcome the nation's best to Dallas for the ITA Men's National Team Indoor Championships, said SMU Men's Tennis Head Coach, Grant Chen. It is the crown jewel of the ITA calendar and we are honored to showcase our facility and city. The Styslinger/Altec Tennis Complex was designed with the vision of bringing world-class events of all levels to SMU and we will continue to bring that to light. College tennis is a great, fan-friendly sport with non-stop action and it will certainly be five great days of tennis.”

The ITA looks forward to elevating one of the top events in college tennis in the coming years and is proud to present the highest level of college tennis in key markets such as Chicago and Dallas.

More details about the upcoming ITA Division I Men's and Women's National Team Indoor Championships will be announced in the coming months. Keep an eye on the Division I Men's National Team Indoor Event Page or the Division I Women's National Team Indoor Event Page for the latest information.

About the ITA: The Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) is the governing body of college tennis and a coaches association, both an advocate and an authority for the sport and its members. The ITA is committed to serving college tennis and bringing back the leaders of tomorrow, while promoting both the athletic and academic achievements of the collegiate tennis community. Founded in 1956, the ITA consists of more than 2,000 men's and women's varsity tennis teams representing more than 1,250 institutions while administering numerous regional and national championships, and the ITA/Tennis Point College Tennis Rankings for 20,000 college varsity student-athletes across the whole world. five game levels. The ITA is also strengthening an industry-leading awards program for players and coaches to honor excellence in academics, leadership and sportsmanship. Stay up to date with all the excitement surrounding college tennis by visiting and following the ITA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.

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