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San Diego State ranked ninth at Western Intercollegiate

San Diego State ranked ninth at Western Intercollegiate


SANTA CRUZ, California. — The San Diego State men's golf team sits in ninth place after the first day of the Western Intercollegiate, following a 10-over-par 360 at the historic par-70, 6,486-yard Pasatiempo Golf Club in Santa Cruz, California.

The Aztecs, who are No. 34 in the latest NCAA computer rankings, are just six shots behind No. 38 Stanford (+4) in second place, with No. 9 Arizona the only team in the field under par is 2 under. No. No. 8 Washington (+5) ranks third out of 14 teams, while No. 21 California and No. 25 Oregon rank fourth at +6. No. 42 Chattanooga and tournament host San Jose State are two ahead of SDSU at +8, while No. 41 Brigham Young is in eighth place at +9.

The Western Intercollegiate is a six-count, five-count event, as opposed to the usual five-count, and Chanachon Chokprajakchat (Bangkok, Thailand) is tied for 16th out of 96 golfers on an even par 70 from San Diego State. Chokprajakchat had four birdies and four bogeys in his round and was never worse than 1-over on the day.

Justin Hastings (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands) and Skyler Ngo (Las Vegas, Nev.), meanwhile, is in 22nd place after a 1-over 71. Hastings had one birdie — par-5, 532-yard fourth — and two bogeys, finishing his round with 11 consecutive pars. Ngo had three birdies on the day, including two on his final four holes, after opening with back-to-back bogeys and double bogey at the par-4, 430-yard 11th.

Jackson Moss (San Diego/Point Loma HS) is tied for 41st at +3. Moss reached 1-under for his round after consecutive birdies at the par-3, 142-yard sixth and the par-4, 392-yard seventh, but went +4 over his next four holes before finishing with seven straight pars to settle to take for a 73.

Shea Lague (Jamul, Calif./Steele Canyon HS) is tied for 63rd after a 5-over 75. Lague made the turn at +1 and went 5-over-par through his next four holes, before recording pars in four straight holes and finishing with a birdie at the par-5, 491-yard 18th.

Tyler Kowack (San Diego/Canyon Crest Academy) will look to bounce back tomorrow after an 11-over 81 in today's first round. Kowack was 11-over through his first 10 holes before shooting even-par over the final eight holes with two birdies and two bogeys.

Washington's Taehoon Song fired a 4-under 66 and is one shot ahead of teammate Petr Hruby, Texas' Nathan Petronzio and Arizona's Sam Sommerhauser, who each shot a 3-under 67.

San Diego State will play Oregon again on Tuesday in the second round, starting at 11:16 a.m. PT. Golf Channel broadcasts live from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM PT.

Western intercollegiate
Golf club for pastime
Par 70, 6,486 yards
Day one results (April 15, 2024)

Team ranking (top 5 of 14 + SDSU)

1. No. 9 Arizona348 (-2)
2. No. 38 Stanford354 (+4)
3. No. 8 Washington355 (+5)
T4. No. 21 California356 (+6)
T4. No. 25 Oregon356 (+6)

9. No. 34 San Diego State360 (+10)

Individual Leaders (Top 9 of 96 players + SDSU)

1. Taehoonlied (Washington)66 (-4)
T2. Petr Hruby (Washington)67 (-3)
T2. Nathan Petronzio (Texas)67 (-3)
T2. Sam Sommerhauser (Arizona)67 (-3)
T5. Zac Jones (Brigham Young)68 (-2)
T5. Zubair Firdaus (San Jose State)68 (-2)
T5. Greyson Leach (Oregon)68 (-2)
T5. Filip Jakubcik (Arizona)68 (-2)
T5. *Keshav Mungali (San Jose State)68 (-2)

T16. Chanachon Chokprajakchat (San Diego State) 70 (O)
T22. Justin Hastings (State of San Diego)71 (+1)
T22. Skyler Ngo (State of San Diego)71 (+1)
T41. Jackson Moss (State of San Diego)73 (+3)
T63. Shea Lague (San Diego State)75 (+5)
T90. Tyler Kowack (State of San Diego)81 (+11)
* compete as an individual




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