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Texas Football Orange-White Game: Know before you go

Texas Football Orange-White Game: Know before you go


Texas Longhorns football is the main event on Saturday. But the scrimmage isn't the only thing UT has planned.

AUSTIN, Texas It's going to be a busy weekend on the Forty Acres.

The University of Texas at Austin is gearing up for its “Made in Austinweekend, which combines events related to Saturday's Orange-White spring football game and Family weekendwhen Longhorns are encouraged to invite their families to celebrate campus life.

This weekend it's not just about football. Texas Baseball plays Texas Christian University every day at UFCU DischFalk Field, although tickets for all three games are sold out.

But on Saturday, Longhorn football will be the main event. Below is an overview of all the events Texas fans can expect on April 20.

Bevo Blvd., Smokey's Midway and Hook 'Em Hangout

Bevo Blvd, Smokeys Midway and Hook Em Hangout opens Saturday at 9 a.m.

Bevo Blvd. transforms San Jacinto Boulevard in front of Darrel K RoyalTexas Memorial Stadium (DKR) into a fan extravaganza. From 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., visitors can get autographs from Texas Football players, celebrate Bevo's arrival during the Bevo Parade, fly down a 180-foot zipline, play interactive games, take photos at various photo ops, enjoy live art activations and more .

Fans can also stop by Hook 'Em Hangout in Winship Circle, outside the northwest corner of the stadium, to grab a cold beer or some food from a selection of food trucks.

At Smokey's Midway, located on the north side of DKR along DeLoss Dodds Way, visitors can ride down a 100-foot slide, ride a 45-foot Ferris wheel and enjoy carnival games and carnival-inspired food. All fairground games and attractions are free.

Longhorn city limits

Football fans hoping for live gameday music are in luck. Longhorn City Limits kicks off at 10 a.m. on the LBJ Lawn with a performance by Austin's own Sentimental Family Band. Then Texas country legends Reckless Kelly will take the stage around 11:30 am

Longhorn City Limits includes the Still Austin Music Lounge and Tito's Tailgate for visitors 21 and older. Concertgoers can also enjoy Stubb's BBQ.

Orange-White Game

Then of course there is the game itself, which is essentially a scrimmage with the Longhorns playing against each other. The scrimmage serves as a culmination of spring training for the players and a highlight of what the team will look like to fans this fall.

While many names have been mentioned during spring training, no player on the roster will have a bigger role next season than quarterback Quinn Ewers. The redshirt junior is working with a few new receivers, including a pair of transfers.

Head Coach Steve Sarkisian said he likes what his starting QB has done over the past month.

“I think some of it [his good performance] There is a good relationship with the recipients, that the timing and things like that are really starting to come together now. That's what spring training is for,” Sarkisian said. “You know, we can only do so much of that leading up to spring ball. So it was good to work on those things.”

The kick-off is at 1 p.m. No tickets are required, but the stands are sure to be full.

Where to park

Free parking is available for the Orange-White Game in the San Jacinto, Trinity, Brazos, Speedway, 27th Street, Health Center and San Antonio garages and in lots 37-40, 108, 116 and 118.

Free parking in lots 37-40 is available via Dean Keeton Street turning south on Red River Street.




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