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Prized Freshman Wide Receiver Enters NCAA Transfer Portal

Prized Freshman Wide Receiver Enters NCAA Transfer Portal


The NCAA Transfer Portal is open for business and the LSU Tigers are prepared to be active during the spring term.

Brian Kelly and Co. will see both players added to the roster while also preparing for the current Tigers' departure from the program.

On Wednesday, LSU lost their second player to the portal after redshirt freshman wide receiver Khai Prean revealed his intention to leave the program.

The decision is not surprising for the program, as the LSU wide receiver room boasts an embarrassment of riches. The Bayou Bengals will have a five- or six-player rotation this fall consisting of Kyren Lacy, Chris Hilton, CJ Daniels, Aaron Anderson, Kyle Parker and Zavion Thomas.

For Prean it would be another season with a lack of playing time.

LSU is also prepared to land coveted wide receivers Kylan Billiot, Michael Turner and Jelani Watkins through the 2024 recruiting cycle.

Now Prean leaves Baton Rouge, marking the second tiger to enter the portal during the spring season.

LSU lost EDGE Jaxon Howard to the NCAA Transfer Portal, with his name officially entered Tuesday morning.

Howard, a former four-star recruit and the No. 1 prospect in Minnesota for the 2023 cycle, will leave Baton Rouge after one season with the program.

The coveted recruit played in five games as a freshman and showed flashes in LSU's spring game last year with four tackles and a sack. During his lone season in the South, he recorded two tackles and one quarterback rush in 2023.

Brian Kelly's thoughts on the defensive line going forward:

We can move (defensive ends) Bradyn Swinson inside and Paris Shand inside, then DaShawn Womack on the edge and (linebacker) Harold Perkins on the edge. You have a different configuration. I think we can be very dynamic with some defensive linemen and move the pieces. On first and second down, we really have to work hard to get after the quarterback. But in terms of stopping the run, Jacobian Guillory was excellent. In terms of what Bo Davis is looking for, he has been excellent and steady. We have to find that other man. That's what we're looking for. We are trying to develop that second man and have a number of depth pieces behind us.

With Howard out, LSU has already brought in one player: Wisconsin DL Gio Paez. The veteran defensive lineman will come in after four years with the Badgers and add depth to the program.

LSU will lose a handful of players via the NCAA Transfer Portal in the coming weeks.

Follow Zack Nagy on Twitter: @znagy20 and LSU country: @LSUCountry_FN for all coverage surrounding the LSU program.




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