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Teachers unions require AI guidelines in contracts and policies

Teachers unions require AI guidelines in contracts and policies


Teachers unions are beginning to incorporate concerns about artificial intelligence from peer group discussions into contract negotiations.

When ChatGPT was launched in November 2022, the advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI), which primarily shocked the general public, quickly began to cause concern among some faculty across the country. Teachers' unions, from local state associations to national giants, are now debating how to ensure their concerns are addressed by school administrators.

Noel Candelaria, executive director and treasurer of the National Education Association (NEA), said the organization is considering ethical concerns, data protection and educator engagement as AI continues to evolve.

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The NEA, which represents about 200,000 members, expects to finalize language in July that members can use as a framework for their own negotiations. The union hopes to lay the groundwork to focus on questions that teachers should ask administrators when creating AI policies, centering on issues such as ethical concerns, data protection, and educator engagement. .

We know what it looks like at the moment, but it will evolve and become different depending on how we as educators keep it a central part of the policy process. He said it would be.

Earlier this month, Stan Sklaroff, dean of arts and sciences at Boston University, sent an email to faculty suggesting they use AI to manage course discussions, labs, and student feedback during the graduate student strike. In response, faculty members at Boston University were on high alert.

According to Boston University, Dean Sklaroff alleges in the memo that if some discussion groups are affected by union job hunting, professors will go on strike to make up for the absence of teaching assistants. This means that the wide range of educational tools available should be considered. said in a statement to Inside Higher Ed.

The mention of AI, among other creative options, set off alarm bells for the Service Employees International Union Local 509 chapter, which represents BU faculty and staff.

We sincerely hope that the university reconsiders this proposal and instead focuses on adequately compensating those who do the essential work that keeps universities running, said the union's BU branch. said in an email to Inside Higher Ed.

Some large university unions, such as the University of California Faculty Association and the Unified University Professional Union (UUP), which represents the State University System of New York, are not concerned about being immediately replaced by AI.

I think job displacement is a legitimate concern. [faculty and staff] Kevin Wehr, chair of the California University Teachers Association bargaining team, said it's natural to be nervous about this. Am I panicking? No. Should others do the same? No, I don't think they should think the sky is falling. This is just one of the many problems facing higher education institutions.

However, concerns are emerging among teachers' unions across the country about the impact of AI on faculty intellectual property rights, workloads, and the potential for reduced autonomy.

He wasn't a Luddite. That's not the case, people will lose their jobs because the technology is bad, said Laurie Stoff, a member of the United Campus Workers of Arizona, which represents Arizona's three public universities. Stoff, a professor at Arizona State University, is also a member of the Faculty Senate's AI Concerns Subcommittee.

Our claim is that it is our job to serve our students, educate them, ensure their success, uplift them, and provide them with the best opportunities for learning. We don't think this is a worthwhile way to do that, she said of the concept of using AI in education.

Alyssa Karl, vice president of academic affairs at UUP, said there is a lot of potential to learn from workers in other sectors who have worked on automation in the past. We are in a creative place and can look to other industries.

The State University of New York system has doubled down on investments in AI in recent years, including a $200 million statewide AI initiative to advance research, policymaking and workforce development. The UUPs contract will be ratified in August 2023 and expires in 2026.

Although none of the union representatives interviewed called for a ban on artificial intelligence in higher education, Carl said that discussions about AI policy are best done through concrete, detail-oriented conversations. Stated.

She said she has heard ad hoc claims from leaders about how using AI to write the syllabus will make our lives easier, which is causing a lot of concern. . If someone generates a syllabus with the help of AI, will he or she be penalized for it? We don't know. We don't have clear guardrails or boundaries.

Several unions, including the NEA and the American Federation of Teachers, say the most important criterion for developing AI policy is specific language in collective bargaining agreements that can be enforced in the event of disagreements between faculty and administration. It is suggested that it should be included.

Unions recommend university administrators codify AI policy language in employee handbooks for faculty and staff working in states without organized or strong unions, such as Arizona, where collective bargaining agreements are illegal. are doing. Arizona State University's Stoff said he uses demonstrations, social media, petitions and direct requests to state regents to demand better working conditions.

Our goal is to make the university the best place for the students we serve. Because our working conditions are our students' learning conditions, Stoff said. Improving these benefits everyone and makes the university as a whole a better, more welcoming and more constructive place.




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