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PWHL-leading Toronto clinches playoff berth, wins in OT in front of record crowd in Montreal

PWHL-leading Toronto clinches playoff berth, wins in OT in front of record crowd in Montreal


Marie-Philip Poulin remembers walking into the Bell Center for her first Montreal Canadiens game at age 16 and witnessing a sold-out crowd of rabid hockey fans.

Poulin could not have imagined then that this scene would occur in professional women's hockey.

“I probably never thought it would be possible to play on this rink, at full capacity, cheering for Montreal, a women's team,” said Montreal's captain of the Professional Women's Hockey League team.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine.”

It happened Saturday afternoon when 21,105 fans filled the home of the NHL's Canadiens, setting an attendance record for women's hockey.

The sold-out crowd surpassed the previous high of 19,285 at Toronto's Scotiabank Arena on February 16.

LOOK | Nurse scores decisive goal after 13 seconds of overtime to beat Montreal:

Sarah Nurse pushes PWHL Toronto to early OT win over Montreal

Sarah Nurse needed just 13 seconds to score in overtime to help Toronto move into first place.

Sarah Nurse scored twice, including the overtime winner, for visiting Toronto in a 3-2 win over Montreal. Toronto also clinched the league's first playoff spot.

Despite the postseason implications when the PWHL regular season was in its home stretch, the result felt secondary.

A previous attendance record of 18,013 at the 2013 Women's World Cup in Ottawa had stood for a decade.

Poulin says the momentum hasn't slowed since the PWHL opened its inaugural season on Jan. 1.

“We talked about the PWHL, which created a league for years,” said the 33-year-old from Beauceville, Que. “We're here and we've been filling buildings all year round. We thought it was going to be a week of excitement, and what has it been? Here's April 20th and people are showing up.

“It's a movement. It's bigger than ourselves. The next step is for it to become the norm.”

Fans of all ages, some hoisting signs that read “Girls Hockey Rules” and “2033 PWHL Draft Eligible,” waved white towels, wore flashy armbands and roared at the top of their lungs all afternoon.

Poulin, also captain of the Canadian team that defeated the United States 6-5 in overtime to win a world title last Sunday in Utica, N.Y., received a deafening standing ovation followed by chants of “Pou! Pou! Pou!” when introduced into the starting lineup.

That reception even stirred her opponents in Toronto.

“I got teary-eyed for her, on the bench,” said Toronto defenseman Lauriane Rougeau of Beaconsfield, Que.

“I was like, 'Go ahead girl. This is your moment, take it.' Then, puck drop, rivalry, we're focused again and we're rivals on the ice.”

Blayre Turnbull also scored for the league leaders (10-4-0-7), who defeated Montreal for the fifth time this season. Emma Maltais had two assists and Toronto goalkeeper Kristen Campbell made 37 saves.

Erin Ambrose and Sarah Bujold responded for Montreal (8-3-5-5).

Ann-Renee Desbiens, who helped Canada to gold in the World Cup final, also received a raucous ovation. Desbiens made 30 saves in the loss.

Missed opportunity late in the regulations

Nurse took a pass from Renata Fast and fired the puck over Desbiens' shoulder 13 seconds into the 3-on-3 overtime period.

“Yes, it was an incredible moment, but when we watch that match, you never want to lose,” Poulin said.

Montreal couldn't produce a winning goal on a power play with 2:55 left in the third period when Jocelyne Larocque tripped Poulin.

Rougeau said the Bell Center fueled her passion for hockey, so it felt great to win in the building.

“It just brings back a lot of memories and I just made a new one here,” she said. “It's great to come out with a win and I will cherish this moment forever.”

A Toronto women's hockey player wearing a blue, black and white jersey thrusts her stick toward a Montreal goalkeeper in an attempt to deflect a shot during a PWHL game on April 20, 2024, in Montreal.
Toronto's Natalie Spooner tries to tip the puck off Montreal goaltender Ann-Renee Desbiens during the third period. (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press)

Montreal's power play was 1-for-6 against Toronto's best penalty kill in the competition between the rival cities. Toronto went 0-for-4.

Turnbull opened the scoring 9:43 into the first period when her shot trickled through Desbiens.

Bujold put Montreal on the scoreboard with 19 seconds left in the period after pulling a smooth toe move around a defender before beating a red-hot Campbell blocker as the crowd erupted.

Nurse deflected Allie Munroe's point shot past a screened Desbiens 40 seconds into the second period before Ambrose tied the game with another late goal, scoring with 25 seconds left in the period.

Despite the loss for their team, Montreal fans gave Nurse a standing ovation when she was announced as the game's first star.

“The crowds here in Montreal can definitely be tough on Toronto teams, so the support all around has been incredible,” Nurse said.

“I never dreamed of playing at the Bell Center, but that was one of the best experiences I've ever had.”

WATCH lFans arrive in record-breaking droves for the final PWHL showdown:

Cheers and smiles at sold-out PWHL game in Montreal

Fans came in record numbers as Montreal took on Toronto in the final PWHL showdown.




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