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Elon, UNCW, Campbell and Hampton advance to the quarterfinals of the CAA Women's Tennis Championship

Elon, UNCW, Campbell and Hampton advance to the quarterfinals of the CAA Women's Tennis Championship


Elon, UNCW, Campbell and Hampton advance to the quarterfinals of the CAA Women's Tennis Championship

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ELON, NC (April 25, 2024) Elon, UNCW, Campbell and Hampton earned victories in the first round of the 2024 CAA Womens Tennis Championship on a beautiful Thursday at the Jimmy Powell Tennis Center on the campus of Elon University.

#5 Elon 4, #12 Monmouth 0

Freshmen Mariana Reding, Ella Suk and Simone Bergeron all contributed wins in singles and doubles as 5e-seeded Elon (14-9) advanced to the quarterfinals by defeating #12 Monmouth (3-15) 4-0

Elon sprinted to a quick 1-0 lead with a dominant performance in doubles. The Phoenix team of Madison Cordisco and Mariana Reding defeated Lana Brezanin and Hana McKinney 6-0 at No. 2 and Elon's No. 3 team of Suk and Bergeron defeated Lenien Jamir and Lauren Landstrom 6-2.

The Phoenix kept its momentum going into singles. Suk recorded a 6-0, 6-0 victory over Landstrom at No. 5 and Bergeron followed with a 6-0, 6-0 win over Madison Mills at No. 6. Elon closed out the match at No. 3 when Mariana Reding defeated Hana McKinney with 6-2, 6-1.

#8 Hampton 4, #9 Hofstra 2

Hampton (14-8) recorded his first ever victory in the CAA Womens Tennis Championship as an 8e-seeded Pirates battled past the 9e-seeded Hofstra (8-11), 4-2.

Hampton took an early 1-0 lead by claiming the doubles point. The Pirates number 3 duo of Meiri Okuwaki and Sofia Sokolova defeated Lea Forste-Dinell and Ava Veneziano 6-2. Hampton took the point at No. 2 when the duo of Masa Mitic and Lucia Jorrin Fernandez broke serve at 6-5 to take a 7-5 win over Sabira Mohamed and Deniz Soyer.

The Pirates extended their lead to 3-0 after Okuwaki defeated Soyer 6-1, 6-1 at No. 4 and defeated Mitic Veneziano 6-3, 6-4. However, Hofstra fought back, with Dianela Rodriguez beating Diana Starodubstevea 6-0, 6-1 at No. 2 and Forste-Dinell beating Kozaki 6-4, 7-6 (5) at No. 1. The remaining two matches went to three sets before Sokolova got a late break and rallied for a 2-6, 7-6 (3), 6-3 win over Kaitlyn Ferguson to secure the team victory.

#6 UNCW 4, #11 Stony Brook 1

Sixth-seeded UNCW (11-7) bounced back with a sweep of singles after dropping the doubles point to post a 4-1 win at 11e-seeded Stony Brook (3-14).

Stony Brook used an impressive late rally to take the doubles point. UNCW's No. 2 tandem of Stela Joksimovic and Alicia Eberwein cruised past Kristi Boro and Despoina Mastrodima, 6-1, and the Seahawks held a lead in the other two games. However, the Seawolves No. 3 team of Cornelia Bruu-Syversen and Darian Perfiliev broke serve twice and won the final three games for a 7-5 victory over Gabbie Glickstein and Anna Parker Shumate. SBU's No. 1 team of Mia Palladino and Elena Lobo Corral followed with a break at 5-all and earned a 7-5 victory over Eda Arli and Elif Albayrak to put the Seawolves on top.

UNCW responded with a strong singles effort. Arli opened with a 6-3, 6-2 victory over Palladino at No. 1 and Eberwein followed by defeating Sara Medved 6-1, 6-3 at No. 5. The Seahawks went ahead 3-1 after a 6- 4, 6–3 victory of Albayrak over Boro at number 3, and Alex Borcich closed the match at number 6 by beating Mastrodima 6–3, 6–1.

#7 Campbell 4, #10 Towson 0

Campbell (12-8) made a successful debut at the CAA Womens Tennis Championship, recording a 4-0 win at 10e-seeded Towson (6-11).

The Camels secured the doubles point and took a 1-0 lead. Campbell's No. 3 team of Eeva Ristola and Lena Karlovcan dispatched Olivia Rothfeld and Erin Gray 6-2, and the Camels No. 2 duo of Mariana Ossa and Lily Chitambar followed with a 6-2 win over Mya Spencer and Ashira Murray.

Campbell was equally impressive in singles. The Camels Karlovcan won at No. 6 against Sania Suchinsky, 6-2, 0-0 ret., and Chitambar defeated Chandre Boshoff, 6-1, 6-2 at No. 2. Campbell took the match at No. 2. 1 when Mialy Ranaivo Spencer held off, 6-1, 6-4.

The CAA Womens Tennis Championship continues on Friday with four quarterfinals. At 10 a.m., top-seeded Delaware meets #8 Hampton and #4 Drexel takes on #5 Elon. At 2 p.m., 2NL-seeded William & Mary faces #7 Campbell and #3 Charleston and challenges #6 UNCW.

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First round April 25, 2024
Jimmy Powell Tennis Center Elon, NC

#5 Elon 4, #12 Monmouth 0

#1 Lizette Reding (EU) def. Lana Brezanin (MU) DNF, 6-3, 4-0
#2 Sibel Tanik (EU) vs. Nitika Girish (MU) DNF, 6-0, 5-3
#3 Mariana Reding (EU) d. Hannah McKinney (MU), 6-2, 6-1
#4 Helen Sarikulaya (EU) vs. Lenien Jamir (MU) DNF, 6-1, 4-2
#5 She sucks (EU) d. Lauren Landstrom (MU), 6-0, 6-0
#6 Simone Bergeron (EU) d. Madison Mills (MU), 6-0, 6-0
Order of finish: 5, 6, 3*


#1 Tanik/L. Reding (EU) vs. Reding (EU) Girish/Mills (MU) DNF, 4-2
#2 Madison Cordisco/M. Reding (EU) d. Brezanin/McKinney (MU), 6-0
#3 Suk/Bergeron (EU) d. Jamir/Landstrom (MU), 6-3
Order of finishing: 2, 3*

#8 Hampton 4, #9 Hofstra 2

#1 Lea Forste-Dinell (HOF) d.
#2 Diana Rodriguez (HOF) d. Diana Starodubsteva (HAM), 6-0, 6-1
#3 Sofia Sokolova (HAM) vs. Kaitlyn Ferguson (HOF), 2-6, 7-6 (3), 6-3
#4 Meiri Okuwaki (RAW) d. Deniz Soyer (HOF), 6-1, 6-1
#5 Lucia Jorrin Fernandez (HAM) vs. Sabira Mohamed (HOF) DNF, 6-7 (5), 7-5, 4-5
#6 Masa Mitic (HAM) d.Ava Veneziano (HOF), 6-3, 6-4
Order of finish: 4, 6, 2, 1, 3*


#1 Kozaki/Starodubsteva (HAM) vs. Abby Higgins/Rodriguez (HOF) DNF, 5-5
#2 Mitic/Fernandez (HAM) d.Mohamed/Soyer (HOF), 7-5
#3 Wake/Sokolova (HAM) d. Forste-Dinell/Venetian (HOF), 6-2
Order of finishing: 3, 2*

#6 UNCW 4, #11 Stony Brook 1

#1 Eda Arli (UNCW) d. Mia Palladino (SBU), 6-3, 6-2
#2 Stela Joksimovic (UNCW) vs. Elena Lobo Corral (SBU) DNF, 6-7 (6), 2-3
#3 Elif Albayrak (UNCW) d. Christie Borough (SBU), 6-4, 6-3
#4 Katelyn Hubbard (UNCW) vs. Cornelia Bruu-Syversen (SBU) DNF, 3-6, 3-5
#5 Alicia Eberwein (UNCW) d. Sara Medved (SBU), 6-1, 6-3
#6 Alex Borcich (UNCW) d. Despoina Mastrodima (SBU), 6-3, 6-1
Order of finishing: 1, 5, 3, 6*


#1 Palladino/Wolfschuur (SBU) d. Arli/Albayrak (UNCW), 7-5
#2 Joksimovic/Eberwein (UNCW) d. Borough/Mastrodima (SBU), 6-1
#3 Bruu-Syversen/Darian Perfiliev (SBU) d. Gabriela Glickstein/Anna Parker Shumate (UNCW), 7-5

Order of finishing: 2, 3, 1*

#7 Campbell 4, #10 Towson 0

#1 Mialy Ranaivo (CU) d. Mya Spencer (TU), 6-1, 6-4
#2 Lily Chitambar (CU) d. Chandra Boshoff (TU), 6-1, 6-2
#3 Tasmin Hart (CU) vs. Ashira Murray (TU) DNF, 6-7 (3), 0-0
#4 Eeva Ristola (CU) vs. Lea Kosanovic (TU) DNF, 6-2, 5-1
#5 Mariana Ossa (CU) vs. Olivia Rothfeld (TU) DNF, 4-6, 3-3
#6 Lena Karlovcan (CU) d. Sania Suchinsky (TU), 6-2, 0-0 ret.
Order of finishing: 6, 2, 1*


#1 Ristola/Karlovcan (CU) vs. Kosanovic/Boshoff (TU) DNF, 3-4
#2 Ossa/Chitambar (CU) d. Spencer/Murray (TU), 6-2
#3 Ranaivo/Hart (CU) d

Order of finishing: 3, 2*




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