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Worcestershire cricketer Josh Baker dies aged 20

Worcestershire cricketer Josh Baker dies aged 20


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Josh Baker was 18 years old when he made his first-class debut.  (Image credit: Worcestershire)

Josh Baker was 18 years old when he made his first-class debut. (Image credit: Worcestershire)

Josh Baker was an emerging all-rounder who represented Worcestershire on the England domestic circuit.

In tragic news, Worcestershire have announced the death of their young left-arm spinner Josh Baker at the age of 20. Josh, who made his debut for Worcestershire in 2021, has made a total of 47 appearances across formats for the county club, winning 70 games. wickets in.

Josh also scored two first-class half-centuries, showing he had the makings of a high-quality all-rounder.

The news of Josh's passing has devastated us all, said Ashley Giles, CEO of Worcestershire. Josh was much more than a teammate; he was an integral part of our cricketing family. We will all miss him terribly. All our love and prayers go out to Josh's family and friends.

Worcestershire paid tribute to Josh, remembering his lively spirit and infectious enthusiasm.

More than his skills as a spin bowler, it was his lively spirit and infectious enthusiasm that endeared him to everyone he met. His warmth, friendliness and professionalism were remarkable, making him a real asset to his family and a much-loved member of our team, the club said in a statement.

During this extremely difficult time, the club is committed to supporting Josh's family, friends and colleagues. We are united in our grief and determined to honor his memory in a manner befitting the remarkable person he was.

Plans to pay tribute to Josh will be made in consultation with his family and will remain private at this time. The club, along with Josh's family, requests respect for privacy as we mourn this immense loss. No further comments will be made during this sensitive period, it added.

Josh also represented England at U-19 level.

Rob Lynch, CEO of the Professional Cricketers Association, also paid tribute to Josh.

Everyone at the PCA is heartbroken to hear of Josh's passing and we send our sincere condolences to all his family, friends and teammates. Josh was a cricketer with his entire career and life ahead of him and this news is impossible to comprehend. The PCA and the Professional Cricketers Trust are working to support Josh's family, his teammates and all PCA members who have been affected. Rest in peace, Josh, Lynch said.




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