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Flashing Name Liberty Assistant Heather Hefner New hockey head coach

Flashing Name Liberty Assistant Heather Hefner New hockey head coach


KENT, Ohio – Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Randale L. Richmond has announced the appointment of Heather Hefner as the eighth head coach in the history of the Kent State Field Hockey program.

“I am extremely excited to welcome Heather and her family to our Golden Flashes family,” said Richmond. “She has a passion and enthusiasm for hockey and coaching that is unparalleled. I am excited to have her lead our program and continue our proud hockey tradition as we graduate student-athletes, courageously prepared for life after sports and continue to win championships.”

Hefner comes to Kent State from Liberty University, where she served as an assistant coach since the spring of 2018. During her time with the Flames, Liberty made the 2021 NCAA title game, won three Big East regular season titles and two tournament championships. Liberty mainly worked with defenders and did not finish lower than 11e in the NCAA in goals against average in each of the past four seasons. She also coached two BIG EAST Defenders of the Year, one Co-Defender of the Year and one Goaltender of the Year.

“I am beyond excited to join the Flash Family as the next head hockey coach!” Hefner said. “Thank you to Intercollegiate Athletics Director Randale Richmond and the entire search committee for entrusting me with this incredible opportunity. I would also like to thank Nikki Parsley-Blocker and the Liberty Field Hockey family for the past six years together. I wouldn't today Being in this position without the way the staff and student-athletes loved, challenged and supported me along the way that brought me and my family to Kent State!

She got her coaching start as a volunteer assistant at the University of Delaware for the 2017 season. In her lone season with the Blue Hens, Delaware won the CAA and advanced to the NCAA tournament. With Hefner on staff, Delaware ranked in the top 10 in goals against average, save percentage and defensive saves.
“I am absolutely thrilled to take the helm and lead this team into the next chapter of Kent State field hockey, motivating and empowering these young women to excel not only as champions, but as individuals of character. I firmly believe that the best is yet to come and I can't wait to begin this journey with these student-athletes,” Hefner added.

Hefner was a four-year defenseman at Wake Forest and made 76 appearances and 48 starts in her career. She was a three-time NFHCA All-Academic team winner. The Demon Deacons won the 2014 ACC Championship and she was named co-captain for the 2016 season. She was also the recipient of Wake Forest's Maria Whitehead Award, presented by the team and coaches to the player who shows the most resilience, passion, leadership and sacrifice.

What they say about Heather Hefner:

“Heather is uniquely qualified to fill the head coaching role at Kent State. She helped lead our defense at Liberty and has been instrumental in making the program a consistent top-10 force in the country. Heather understands what it takes to win at the As good as Heather is on the court, she is an even more outstanding person. KSU could not have hired a more compassionate and competitive person to lead the program into their next chapter, but Looking forward to seeing her blossom again!”

-Nikki Parsley-Blocker, Liberty University head coach

“I am incredibly excited about Heather and Kent State. Heather has an unparalleled set of guiding principles. Her integrity, combined with her honest and transparent style of communication, will sit well with those who work around her and in her recruiting efforts. Additionally, Heather understands it and respects the importance of coaching the whole athlete. She will teach, inspire and guide these young women through their short-term goals, while supporting them in their long-term ambitions.”

Jen Averill, Wake Forest University head coach

“Kent State has not only hit a home run with this hire, but a grand slam in my eyes!! Heather is a genuine person with great character and caring! Heather is an excellent coach who takes her players to the next level through her knowledge and inspiration! She will do great things at Kent State and most importantly, she will inspire young women to become champions of their lives.”

Christy Morgan, head coach at JMU

“Heather Hefner is a dynamic leader and coach. Her ability to motivate and connect with her athletes is unparalleled. The future of Kent State Field Hockey looks bright with her at the helm.”

-Kristie Beitz, Sr. Associate AD Liberty University




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