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Tennis stars' positive drug test results produce different reactions

Tennis stars' positive drug test results produce different reactions


Iga Swiatek is the second high-profile tennis player to test positive for a banned substance this year, besides Jannik Sinner. While Sinner, currently the No. 1 ranked man, was cleared entirely, Swiatek, who slid from No. 1 to No. 2 last month, accepted a one-month suspension announced Thursday.

The International Tennis Integrity Agency said it had determined that Swiateks' contaminated urine sample was the result of a contaminated drug she had taken and thus she bore little responsibility.

These are not cases of intentional doping. These are cases in the case of Sinners… no fault or negligence. In (Swiatek's) case: very low, no significant fault or negligence, ITIA CEO Karen Moorhouse said in a video call with reporters. So I don't think this is a cause for concern for tennis fans and the like.

Here's a look at the details of the two cases:

Who is every Swiatek?

Swiatek is a 23-year-old from Poland with five Grand Slam titles and has been the best player in women's tennis for the past 2 1/2 seasons, especially on clay. She has won four of the past five French Open titles, including the last three in a row, plus one US Open championship, and has been ranked No. 1 almost every week since April 2022. Swiatek also earned a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics in early August.

When did Swiatek fail a drug test? What did she test positive for?

Swiatek's urine showed low levels of trimetazidine, a banned heart drug commonly called TMZ, during an out-of-competition test on August 12, 10 days after her final match at the Summer Games and shortly before the start of the Cincinnati Open. On September 12, she was informed that she had been provisionally suspended, eight days after losing to Jessica Pegula in the quarterfinals of the US Open. It was determined that TMZ had contaminated a sleep aid, melatonin, that Swiatek's psychologist had purchased for her from a pharmacy in Poland, where it is sold as a drug. According to the ITIA report, Swiatek listed 14 medications or supplements she was taking, but no melatonin.

What is trimetazidine or TMZ?

Trimetazidine is a metabolic drug that can help prevent angina attacks when used as an additional treatment, according to the European Medicines Agency. It can increase blood flow efficiency and improve endurance, both crucial for high-quality athletic performance. It is on the World Anti-Doping Agency's banned list in the hormone and metabolic modulators category. The substance has been implicated in previous Olympic athlete cases involving Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva and 23 Chinese swimmers.

When was Swiatek suspended? Is she banned out of season?

Swiatek was given a provisional ban that took effect in September after the US Open, but it was lifted after she quickly offered a credible explanation for the infection, which was supported by testing, the ITIA said. She missed three tournaments during the Asian swing after the US Open, although she did not give the real reason why she was sidelined at the time. Ultimately, the ITIA and Swiatek agreed that she would serve a one-month suspension; because she was credited for the time she had already missed, there were eight days left in a one-month sentence, so she is now serving it even though the season is over. Swiatek was able to play in the WTA Finals and the Billie Jean King Cup. The worst part was the uncertainty, she said. I didn't know what would happen to my career, how things would end or if I would even be allowed to play tennis.

Italy's Jannik Sinner was not suspended after testing positive for traces of an anabolic steroid earlier this year.Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images/TNS

What happens to the Jannik Sinners case?

Sinner tested positive for a banned anabolic steroid twice in March, but nothing came to light until August, just before the US Open, which he won for his second Grand Slam title of 2024. As with Swiatek, things went quiet held. until they were resolved because both players offered plausible explanations that ITIA considered plausible. He blamed it on a cream his trainer used before giving Sinner a massage and was thus fully acquitted, although WADA appealed this ruling, while Swiatek was found to be at the lower end of the range without significant culpability or negligence, and so was given a light sentence. Asked if there are specific guidelines determining the duration of bans in such cases, Moorhouse said: No, there is not. This isn't where you put these things in the machine and at the end of it it spits out a number. It is a matter of taking everything into consideration, taking into account all the circumstances and facts in the case to arrive at the right outcome.




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