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Nissan invests in electric vehicle and battery development


In this photo provided by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., CEO Makoto Uchida and COO Ashwani Gupta (left) are posing in the Nissan Chillout Concept Car on November 27, 2021. Nissan said on Monday, November 29, 2021. Over the next five years, we will invest 2 trillion yen ($ 17.6 billion) to develop cheaper and more powerful batteries to strengthen our electric vehicle lineup.Credit: Nissan via AP

Nissan announced on Monday that it will invest 2 trillion yen ($ 17.6 billion) over the next five years to develop cheaper and more powerful batteries to expand its electric vehicle lineup.

Makoto Uchida, CEO of Japanese automaker, said 15 new electric vehicles will be available by 2030. Nissan Motor is aiming for 50% “electricity” of the model lineup that Uchida called “Nissan Ambition 2030”. Long-term plan. Electric vehicles include hybrid vehicles other than electric vehicles and other eco-friendly models.

According to Mr. Uchida, we are mainly focusing on electric vehicles in order to reduce emissions and meet the needs of various customers. Nissan also reduced carbon emissions at the plant, he added.

The company is struggling to boost the scandal of former chairman Carlos Ghosn. Ghosn, who had led Nissan for 20 years after being sent to Japan by French alliance partner Renault, was arrested in Tokyo in 2018 for various financial misconduct.

Uchida did not mention the scandal, but did mention the “past mistakes” that Nissan promised would not repeat.

Nissan’s “Electrification” is based on the development of a new ASSB, or all-solid-state battery, classified as “breakthrough” by producing more power at a lower cost than the batteries currently in use. increase.

Nissan CEO Makoto Uchida will speak at a press conference at the automaker’s headquarters in Yokohama, near Tokyo, on December 2, 2019. Nissan has invested 2 trillion yen ($ 17.6 billion) over the next five years to develop cheaper and more powerful batteries. Japanese automakers said on Monday that they would increase their lineup of electric vehicles.Credits: AP Photo / Eugene Hoshiko, File

This means that the battery can be made smaller, making electric drivetrains easier to use in trucks, vans, and other heavy vehicles. According to Nissan, the ASSB will be in mass production by 2028.

According to Uchida, battery innovation will reduce the cost of electric vehicles to levels comparable to regular gasoline vehicles.

“Nissan is out of the crisis and ready to make a fresh start,” he said.

All top automakers, including Nissan’s rival Toyota, are working on electric vehicles amid growing concerns about climate change and sustainability. Consumers around the world are also demanding more safety features.

According to Uchida, Nissan has hired 3,000 engineers to enhance research, including digital technology for automobiles.

Based in Yokohama, Japan, Nissan has recently suffered a shortage of computer chips that blame all automakers for blockades and other measures at chip factories to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Infiniti’s luxury car makers, the Leaf Electric Vehicle and Z Sports Car, are expected to return to the black for the fiscal year ending March 2022 after recording losses for the second consecutive year.

Nissan in Japan returns to surplus and forecasts annual profit

2021 AP communication. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

Quote: Nissan invests in electric vehicles and battery development (November 29, 2021) from https: // 2021 Obtained November 29th

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