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On Twitter under Elon Musk’s control, these celebrities vow to leave: ‘I’m out’

On Twitter under Elon Musk’s control, these celebrities vow to leave: ‘I’m out’


Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is already transforming the company. Musk, calling himself “Chief Twit,” fired his top executives and shared plans to change his moderation and banning of the platform’s current content. Many fear the change will allow hate speech and inappropriate content on the platform, and several celebrities and public figures have vowed to leave as a result.

Musk first announced plans to acquire the company in April. At the time, the likes of actor and activist Jameela Jamil, activist Sean King, cartoonist Eric Larsen and wrestler Mick Foley said they would not use Twitter if he bought it. The $44 billion sale he completed in late October.

Now that Musk has officially taken control, more stars have become critical of him, making the same promise to leave while others seem to be on the fence.

Shonda Rhimes

“I’m not hanging around with what Elon planned. Bye,” the writer and producer tweeted two days after Musk officially acquired the company. She hasn’t tweeted since.

Sarah Bareilles

The singer said in a tweet on Oct. 30 that she was leaving the platform. She hasn’t tweeted since.

Toni Braxton

The singer said she was appalled by the changes she saw after Musk bought the company and vowed to walk away from it. Hate speech under the veil of ‘free speech’ is unacceptable, so I’m choosing to stay off Twitter as is: myself, my sons, and others It’s no longer a safe place for POC,” she wrote.

Alex Winter

The ‘Bill & Ted’ actor said he was leaving the platform and kept his promise. his account is no longer active. According to The Hollywood Reporter, his last tweet was a meme about him Musk taking over the platform.

Brian Koppelman

The “Billions” showrunner tweeted that he was going to “take a breather” from Twitter and made his account private. In his last tweet, he instructed his fans to find him on Instagram and TikTok, according to The Hollywood Report.

Ken Olin

The actor, director and producer tweeted about leaving the platform on October 28th. Save the planet. Try to be more generous. Find peace in the world,” he wrote.

In an earlier tweet, he said he plans to use the Twitter alternative Tribel Social. “I have to get myself out of this thing that will soon become a mask machine,” said Olin, who touts the platform as being free of hate and “fake news of him.”

Mick Foley

Ressler said in April that he would consider leaving Twitter. I don’t have a good feeling.” As of October 31, his Twitter account is disabled.

Eric Larson

A comic writer who worked on The Amazing Spider-Man series in the 1990s vowed to delete his Twitter account early in Musk’s acquisition process if the billionaire successfully bought the company. Larsen appears to have left the platform since the acquisition.

Jameela Jamil

The actor first said he was leaving Twitter in April. “One good thing about Elon buying Twitter is that I *finally* leave and stop being an outright threat to society here. So it’s really a win-win for you.” She tweeted. It’s unclear if she’ll return, but if she keeps her promise, she won’t be returning to the platform while Mask takes control of it.

Rob Reiner

The filmmaker urged people not to leave the platform. “For those fighting to preserve our constitutional democracy, now is not the time to leave Twitter,” he tweeted the day after the acquisition. Since then, he has mostly tweeted to promote the midterm elections scheduled for Nov. 8.

Amy Siskind

The activist and author tweeted in April that she was sitting and pondering, but had yet to decide whether to stay on the platform.

“I feel like this platform is dying,” she tweeted on Oct. 29.

Sean King

The activist left Twitter in April but returned hours later. However, his account is now private.

Josh Gad

The actor said he wasn’t sure if he would stay on Twitter. . Amazing. Hate speech (with no consequences) intended to incite harm is not registered by me. ’” He has tweeted several times since.

More Caitlin O’Kane




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