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Google suddenly releases surprise Android update that surpasses iPhone

Google suddenly releases surprise Android update that surpasses iPhone


Android and iPhone are closer than ever, with almost nothing between the operating system and your phone. All in all, Google may seem to be more of a follower than a leader, but it's surprising how much of a new feature is coming to Android first and could be coming soon. We just beat Apple in a game.

Exciting new updates for Android users


Updated on 3/23. First edition 3/22.

As the world's two largest smartphone ecosystems compete for users, Google is on a mission to bring Android closer to the iPhone. Lately, we've seen Google tighten up the security of Android, including his WhatsApp calls in his phone dialer and adding his Apple Pass to his wallet. This latest update not only matches the existing iPhone features, it takes them even further and surprisingly beats Apple at its own game.

I've already reported that Google is looking to include emergency satellite services as a new feature, which would finally allow Android to match the satellite SOS feature Apple has had on the iPhone for several years. Google's service also appears to be adding an off-the-shelf Garmin rescue service to its plans. This is clearly a huge step forward for the safety and security of our vast user base.

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The problem with Apple's Emergency SOS service is that it is only offered in emergencies. So, for those who don't climb mountains or sail in the ocean, you'll see an SOS tag on your screen when you're out of range, but you'll never use it.

With the latest Android 15 developer preview, Google has closed that gap, allowing users to expand their phone accounts to include satellite add-ons, allowing core messaging apps to use its satellite network. It looks like. No more cellular blackspots that drop users into a connection black hole.

According to Mishaal Rahman, Android 15 DP2 adds several UI elements to ensure a consistent user experience on devices that support satellite connectivity. This update also expands platform support for satellite connectivity by adding new APIs that apps can use to detect when a device is connected to a satellite. Android 15 allows SMS/MMS/RCS apps to send and receive messages using satellite connections.

Android 15 dials up satellite connectivity

Mishal Rahman/X

This last part is the real news, as we know that some networks have plans to add LEO satellite connectivity as an account option. This is an improvement over what we initially thought was coming when Google updated its Pixel smartphones with (prematurely) updated satellite SOS functionality between car collision detection and emergency SOS.

Apple's satellite connectivity remains limited. With iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15, or iPhone 15 Pro, you can connect your iPhone to satellite to send text messages to emergency services, request roadside assistance, and communicate with friends and family even during a power outage. It says that you can share location information. No mobile and Wi-Fi coverage.

Previous beta code hinted at a satellite messaging option in partnership with T-Mobile, giving us hope for more Android advances. What this could ultimately mean made headlines when Elon Musk announced that SpaceX had achieved download speeds of 17mbps for an unmodified Galaxy S21 Ultra.

As SamMobile reported after testing Samsung, the device does not require any special hardware to connect to the satellite. So even if you don't have traditional cellular network coverage nearby, your smartphone can connect directly to the satellite to make calls and send and receive messages. Starlink is testing such a service and it looks like it will be available in the coming months.

This hints at a future where direct connections to phone satellites become more common and easier to use, but in the meantime, messaging integration is a great start.

It seems to be confirmed that this will be introduced in Android 15 without any major changes. And as Android and iPhone get closer and closer, this looks like an example of Google leading and Apple (expected) following. It's been an interesting week this week, following the big news that Gemini could be coming to the iPhone and Apple claiming that the Justice Department's lawsuit will essentially turn the iPhone into Android.

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Updated 3/23: The latest interesting details about Google's satellite messaging plans come on the heels of the big news that Gemini could be coming to Apple's iPhones as the main force powering some or many of iOS 18's AI updates. It was announced on.

This is interesting on many fronts, not only because it's another way the gap between Android and iPhone is likely to close, but also because it significantly strengthens Google's role within the iPhone ecosystem. is.

This is also noteworthy for Android and iPhone. Another way Android is moving faster than the iPhone is the introduction of Gemini to mobile devices. While Apple users are waiting for clarity on what to expect from the next OS in the fall, Android users are already seeing these advances.

One of the key areas where Google has promised game-changing Gemini features is within the Messages app. This will be a chatbot UI that allows users to access Gemini directly from their messaging platform.

Google confirmed the Gemini/Messages rumors last month. Currently, TheSPAndroid has it up and running since the latest beta release and has confirmed that Gemini's integration into Google Messages is similar to Gemini in Google apps and Gemini on the web, including Gmail, Flights, Maps, Supports extensions such as workspaces. There are many more available on the web. [and that] You can also provide code suggestions.

Gemini in Google Messages

SP android

Perhaps most interestingly, the site confirms that this Gemini deployment can also generate images, which is surprising.

Google says it's limited to English, but adds that it's available in 165 countries, Android Authority reports. The company also says you'll need a Pixel 6 or newer, a Pixel Fold, a Galaxy S22 series or newer phone, or a Galaxy Z Flip/Fold.

According to TheSPAndroid, it includes almost all the features that a normal user would need, and integrating it with Google Messages was a very smart thing done by Google, which makes it a great addition to your phone. , which may reduce the need to have Google apps installed on your phone. The integration will also strengthen RCS as more people use Google Messages. As we previously reported, the only problem is that Gemini messages are not end-to-end encrypted, for obvious reasons.

This is a huge boost for Android. Using Google Messages as a ready-made and widely installed chatbot UI normalizes access like never before. We'll leave it to Apple to figure out how to do the same thing later this year, with or without Google AI. But in the meantime, Android definitely has (another) advantage.




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