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CSIRO 3D mapping technology launches for International Space Station

CSIRO 3D mapping technology launches for International Space Station


News release for March 25, 2024

A powerful package of 3D mapping technology designed by Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, has arrived at the International Space Station (ISS).

Astronauts will attach their devices to Astrobee, a NASA robotic platform that can walk around the station and assist with various tasks.

CSIRO research group leader Dr Mark Ermotti said the payload would create a three-dimensional map of the orbiting laboratory in greater detail than ever achieved, with the goal of making life easier for astronauts. Stated.

“The goal of this mission is to demonstrate that our technology can provide enhanced 3D sensing and mapping to robotic systems onboard the spacecraft, and in the future, perform autonomous supervisor operations onboard the spacecraft. ” said Dr. Elmouti.

“This device combines two CSIRO technologies, Stereo-Depth Fusion and Wildcat simultaneous localization and mapping, to generate high-quality data about the surrounding environment and its own movement in space.

“It is designed to demonstrate the potential to perform full 3D internal scans, track inventory movements around the station, and assist astronauts and controllers in planning activities within the station. I am.

“By combining information from different sensors, we can tell not only what the robot's surroundings look like, but also how the robot is moving in three-dimensional space.”

The payload was developed in partnership with Boeing and with support from the ISS National Laboratory and NASA Ames Research Center, and leverages CSIRO's long history of innovation in remote mining operations and high-resolution scanning for aerospace manufacturing and maintenance. Did.

If the multi-resolution scan is successful in this technology demonstration, CSIRO will develop the technology for other space applications.

This includes environments that are not fully crewed at all times and require remote monitoring and management, such as the future Moon-orbiting Gateway Space Station.

The team is also looking at possible applications for Gateway's external hull scans and lunar exploration, which is planned as part of NASA's Artemis program.

“This is really a starting point for us. Once we can confirm that this type of payload works, the sky is the limit,” Dr. Elmouty said.

“Boeing is committed to delivering improved capabilities and increasing safety for travel to the moon and beyond,” said Scott Copeland, director of ISS research and integration at Boeing. Stated.

“That will require an intersection of crew and robot tasks, and the multi-resolution scanning technology demonstrated in low-Earth orbit testbeds will be a powerful tool to achieve those goals.”

“The Space Station provides a valuable tool for testing and validating innovative technologies in low Earth orbit and for further space commerce,” said Dr. Ryan Reeves, Technical Director for Research and Innovation at the ISS National Laboratory. “I will.”

“We look forward to the outcome of this project and the impact it will have on the future of the lowland economy.”

The payload was safely delivered to the orbiting laboratory, and the team is now waiting to perform the first experiment scheduled on Japan's Kib module.

The multi-resolution scanning payload was launched as part of SpaceX's 30th Commercial Resupply Service-30 mission contracted by NASA.

The launch took place at 7:55 a.m. (AEDT) on Friday, March 22, from Space Launch Complex 40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida.




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