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Accelerating government efficiency through advanced technology and innovation

Accelerating government efficiency through advanced technology and innovation


My Take: Simplifying regulatory procedures increases government speed and efficiency.

Ins dos Santos Costa, former Secretary of State for the Environment of Portugal31

For businesses, dealing with government regulations can be a complex and time-consuming process. Multiple overlapping regulations, multiple government agencies involved at different levels, and legacy processes can make it easy for businesses to lose track of various processes and simply give up, potentially leading to the loss of valuable opportunities. there is.

Portugal facilitates interactions between businesses and the government, reducing points of friction between them in the regulatory field. Consider the environmental licensing system. We introduced several reforms to simplify and speed up our existing systems, accelerating our transition to a green economy.

Portugal's Single Environmental Licensing (LUA) system was launched in 2015 to streamline and speed up the environmental licensing system. Since then, we have continuously evolved and integrated new requirements to facilitate your organization. The latest changes introduced in 2023 are a game-changer in making it easier for businesses to comply with environmental regulations.

Currently, LUA consolidates all environmental licensing decisions and publishes a single environmental title that summarizes all information relevant to the business requirements of a particular project. 32 The goal is simple. One request, one certificate, one fee. This will streamline environmental licensing requirements and coordinate them with the various agencies responsible for permits under the portal, ultimately reducing the time it takes to obtain multiple licenses33.

The key to the LUA system is the time simulator. This tool guides users through the entire process and helps them understand the regime that applies to their case, the fees involved, the license issuing entity, and the expected issuance timing. Once the process has started, a dashboard displays an integrated timeline that allows users to visualize the progress of the process and expected publication time.

Portugal has also made significant progress in reducing fees related to environmental licenses. Depending on the license type, some fees can be reduced by more than 50%, with the average reduction being around 20%.

These reforms to the licensing process are also aimed at eliminating duplication and the need for resubmission when a license expires. This not only speeds up the licensing process, but is also an important step in fostering a more business-friendly environment.

Reducing administrative and regulatory hurdles is an ongoing process for governments34. Portugal's LUA system is an important achievement in efforts to streamline corporate regulation. The LUA system simplifies the environmental licensing process and reduces fees, making it easier for companies to operate efficiently and ultimately fostering growth and investment in the green economy.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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