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What the rapid evolution of generative AI means for hallucinations

What the rapid evolution of generative AI means for hallucinations


PwC has been predicting the future of AI for nearly a decade, with considerable success. Today there is a new prediction that they hope to come true. That means Generative-AI (gen AI) models will be expressed in widespread ways around the world. Text, video, software code, images, and everything else that AI is producing is just the beginning. Current Gen AI is like a child, just starting to learn the basics, but it stumbles every now and then.

Soon, the world will have next-generation AI for physics, economics, medicine, biology, and more. Perhaps AI-powered agents will also emerge to perform more tasks on behalf of humans. If a customer wants a new factory or an insurance policy, they can simply talk to an AI agent and tell it to find out what they need and design something that the two of them can consider. And when genetic AI is doing all this, what does that mean for hallucinations?

Hallucinations, of course, occur when the genetic AI's probabilistic model reaches the wrong end of the probability curve, yielding inaccurate and fabricated results. In some cases, hallucinations can be helpful. Imaginary things can stimulate human creativity. But you need to know when it happens. You may also want to be able to dial up and dial down. You can also say: “This task requires a high level of efficiency, but for this other task, it's okay to have some hallucinations. If you can get something exciting and original out of the way.

The question is, when artificial intelligence is modeling the world economy, the human brain, or the origins of the universe, can people have this control over their hallucinations?

As the AI ​​generation grows, it could create hallucinations in new ways

As children learn, generational AI will become better at doing the jobs they've been doing for a while. Now, if you treat Gen AI correctly, you can get reliable text and image output. Soon, we'll be able to get that kind of credibility from videos and certain types of software code, unless we decide we need more hallucinations to think outside the box.

This reduction in hallucinations comes from advances in technology such as search augmented generation (RAG). RAG adds more data and context, including quotes from external sources. Humans are also getting better at prompting, monitoring, governance, and other elements needed for responsible AI.

But will there be a new model? Like young people learning to drive a car, generational AI will make mistakes in new tasks. Suppose an engineer feeds his MRI and his CAT scan from his million people to his Gen-AI model. The model allows us to see what a healthy human body looks like and how the body is not so healthy. They must be able to provide diagnoses, advise surgeons, and predict the outcomes of various possible surgeries. But until the data set gets big enough, the model learns enough, and humans are good enough to monitor it and correct mistakes, it's likely that the model will hallucinate more than you think. Become.

Humans will grow and become more adept at using AI.

When a robotic surgeon is operating on your heart, you don't want to be hallucinating. But what if your Gen AI is proposing new medical ideas? Maybe you want to get creative. Maybe it's okay to create 10 hallucinations, as long as it creates 10 great ideas and human medical professionals are there to understand them. Humans must make such careful decisions.

Even today, organizations using Gen AI need to be smart and careful about where hallucinations appear and how they behave. That means training your employees to look at each use case and its dataset, assess the risks, and provide better prompts. This means equipping the Gen-AI model not only with his RAG, but also with an application programming interface that allows facts to be evaluated independently. This means controls, guardrails, monitoring, setting expectations, and other tools that people already use to help manage technology.

There is a need for humans to be wise and careful so that society can harness the power of technology, but the human-driven will will probably never go away, as the illusion will probably never go away. They simply move to another location, and humans have to work there and constantly learn how to identify, manage, and possibly exploit them.

This article was written by Brett Greenstein, Data and AI Leader at PwC.




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