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Alphabet (GOOGL) adds authentication functionality to Google Wallet

Alphabet (GOOGL) adds authentication functionality to Google Wallet


Alphabets GOOGL Google recently added new authentication settings to Google Wallet for Android. This allows users to choose their payment method and whether to verify their identity when using their pass.

In particular, the new Authentication Settings feature leads to a “Pay on Transit” option that enables users to verify their identity before paying with a credit or debit card.

Additionally, users can also disable the default “verification required” toggle on their default credit or debit card, allowing them to pay for transportation without verification.

With this move, Alphabet is expected to gain solid support among Android users.

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Expanding the functionality of Google Wallet

Apart from the verification settings feature, Google now allows Google Wallet to import data from confirmation emails, allowing you to automatically retrieve movie tickets and travel boarding passes from your Gmail account.

Alphabet also announced an update to Google Wallet to support the open-loop payment system, providing a dedicated page for recent activity and trip history, and adding features such as saved fare caps, connected payment methods, and network-specific View services.

In addition, the company added 44 new banks and credit unions to Google Wallet's list of more than 3,000 banks and credit unions. Additions include local banks, credit unions, and prepaid debit cards.

All the above initiatives could help Alphabet leverage the growth opportunities that exist in the global digital wallet market. According to a report by The Business Research Company, the digital wallet market will reach $47.7 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $97.54 billion by 2033, with an increase of 19.6% between 2024 and 2033. You can see the CAGR.

Additionally, expanding our commitment to Google Wallet will further strengthen our offering on Android. This will strengthen Google Services, which continues to be a key growth driver for the company. The company's stock has gained 49.1% over the past year, compared to the Zacks Computer & Technology sector's growth rate of 47.9%.

We expect the strengthening of our services division to improve our overall financial performance in the near term.

The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2024 total revenue is $290.4 billion, representing year-over-year growth of 13.2%.

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fierce competition

Expanding efforts into Google Wallet will help Alphabet compete well with prominent industry players such as Microsoft MSFT and Apple AAPL. These companies are also making strong efforts to increase their presence in the fast-growing digital wallet space.

Microsoft is going from strength to strength with Edge Wallet with new feature updates.

Updates to Microsoft's Wallet app, including cryptocurrency wallet integration and providing real-time updates on cryptocurrency value fluctuations and transaction logs, remain noteworthy. The “Explore” tab provides users with the latest information on cryptocurrency news, while the “Assets” tab displays his NFTs.

Meanwhile, Apple is riding on the success of its Wallet app on the iPhone and Apple Watch, which safely stores a variety of cards, IDs, and other items, allowing users to carry more while minimizing the size of their devices. That's what I'm trying to do.

Zacks Rank and Stocks to Consider

Alphabet currently carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold).

A better ranked stock in the broader Technology sector is Badger Meter BMI, which currently carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). You can see the complete list of today's Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) stocks here.

Badger Meter stock has increased 32.7% over the past year. BMI's long-term earnings growth rate is 12.27%.

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