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White House officials meet with state and local leaders on AI governance

White House officials meet with state and local leaders on AI governance


White House officials on Wednesday expressed interest in maintaining open lines of communication between federal, state and local governments as they advance the governance of artificial intelligence.

The comments were made during the first public meeting of the GovAI Coalition, a group of state and local leaders who promote the responsible use of AI. The group, led by technology officials from the city of San Jose, California, has included at least 500 employees from 200 local, county and state governments since its launch in November. About 200 people attended Wednesday's Zoom meeting.

“Our role is to harness the power of science, technology, and innovation to achieve America's greatest aspirations and to The goal is to address these issues.” “President Biden and Vice President Harris have been clear from the beginning that we must manage the risks of AI so that we can reap its benefits. This is especially true in local governments.”

Ross likened the administration's focus on AI to former President Barack Obama's Open Government Directive in 2009 after Hurricane Katrina, which transformed state and local governments. said.

“We realized that our local government should make that data available to the public…and making that data public should just be part of modern local government.” said Ross, who was working for the city of New Orleans at the time. “We didn’t have to find a way to apply open government principles in isolation. We could benefit greatly from networks that connect us with peer cities, similar to the one you have built at the GovAI Coalition. I did.”

Ross explained that he spoke at the conference not only to share the federal government's perspective on AI governance, but also to learn about the innovations, opportunities, and challenges facing state and local governments.

Ross will create open lines of communication as more federal AI policy emerges through the US Tech Policy Network, a hub to disseminate federal technology policy and gather input from state, local, tribal and territorial leaders. He added that the White House has established the policy infrastructure to sustain it. .

“We are working through networks like the GovAI Coalition, which already brings together state and local technology and data experts. Because that's how we do it,” Ross said.

Olivia Zhu, the White House's senior AI policy adviser, provided the group with a list of about 1,200 AI use cases within the federal government. She noted that the Social Security Administration is leveraging AI to process disability benefit claims more quickly.

“What they are doing is not using AI to make decisions, but instead using AI to identify potentially relevant medical decisions that could help expedite the process of disability discrimination. It's about bringing the documents to the surface,” Zhu said. “They actually reduced the processing time for applicants by an average of five days. …That means people in the community can get the benefits they deserve sooner.

“We talk a lot about administrative burden, and I know that you probably feel that way at the state and local level, too,” she continued. “But this is a really good example of balancing not necessarily using AI to make high-risk decisions, but using AI to help agency employees speed up processes. I think.”

Zhu added that the federal government plans to release AI procurement guidance sometime this fall.

This meeting marked the graduation of the GovAI Coalition from the first phase of its strategy. There are already documents and resources publicly available for governments to use to manage AI, and the group is now focused on implementing that policy.

“The city of San Jose just passed an AI city management policy,” said Albert Gehami, San Jose’s privacy officer. “But we're here to unite other institutions to get these things right. With better data, we can build better models. That's what we're all about. If you can do something like that, you might get something really useful.”

By Skylar Rispens Skylar Rispens is a reporter for StateScoop and EdScoop. She previously worked as a reporter specializing in education coverage for daily and weekly newspapers throughout Montana and currently resides in Montana.




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